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J.P. Morgan Weighs Sale of Commodities Business

July 26, 2013, 3:32 p.m. ET

J.P. Morgan Weighs Sale of Commodities Business

Bank Pursues Options as Wall Street Draws Flak for Role in Trade of Industrial Materials

about 11 years ago
Re: Burial at sea

Carnival barker Trump now can base his whole on Osama still being alive.

over 13 years ago
Re: On a Friday!

Where's bicpic's comments?

over 13 years ago
Re: Marc Faber Expects US Gold Confiscation

But the metals in GLD and SLV are held outside the U.S. for exactly that reason. Do you think the British government will permit the expropriation of $75 BN of precious metals from private entities?

over 13 years ago
Re: Monday market craziness

Are you sure about the Moody's outlook raise to positive. The current rating is Aaa (stable), it cannot go any higher.

over 13 years ago
Re: JP Morgan Buying Silver Mine in Australia

There commodity division still exists headed by Blythe Spirit. They lost $250 million on coal futures one quarter last year by shorting futures then buying back at a higher price, taking a long position at the top then watched the price go down. I still don't know how they keep avoiding reporting losses on the precious metal shorts unless they are long somewhere else in the bank or receiving some kind of compensation that they are netting against the future losses.


Blythe Masters
Head of Global Commodities

Blythe Masters is J.P. Morgan's head of Global Commodities, and is responsible for the global team that provides integrated physical and financial commodity solutions products for clients. The business provides market-making, structuring, risk management, financing and warehousing capabilities across a full spectrum of commodity asset classes. She was named to this position in 2007, and since that time she has also served on the JPMorgan Chase Executive Committee.

over 13 years ago
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