JR77's Profile


JR77's Posts

Re: from portee's daughter

I sold all my shares last year when the merger between Prodigy and AR came into effect but have followed this forum daily since that time and always looked forward to reading Portee's (Alex) posts. They were always informative and witty but more than that, one could sense a deep humanity in his posts. And even though you didn't personally meet him, you had the feeling that he was your friend.

almost 11 years ago
Re: 66%...

The biggest "pile of s**t" can be found in today's NR. It came from our illustrious CEO who stated the following: "our shareholders will receive the premium they deserve" Enough said!

almost 12 years ago
Re: Cash - Rico

You may be right that PDG would have experienced great difficulties trying to develop the mine itself. The problem for me is Maher's admission that he negotiated with Argonaut without even considering whether any other potential suitors were out there. By operating as he did, he betrayed the shareholders who loyally stuck with the company during its difficult years, and ensured that we would not receive true value for our shares. Though, it's possible that he negotiated this sweetheart deal under the mistaken belief that it was Valentine's Day.

almost 12 years ago
Re: Cash - Rico

I agree with your reasoning, however, you left out some important facts: 6 million ounces, 50 million in the Bank and several unexplored properties. Surely, a company with these assets would be worth more than $341 million had the CEO been faithful to the shareholders and sought to find the company's true value in the marketplace.

almost 12 years ago
Re: what a b...tch

Ditto. My sentiments as well.

almost 12 years ago

As an investor, you place your trust in management to do what is best for the company and ultimately for the shareholders, but it's difficult to see any true benefit from this deal considering that there is almost 6.5 million ounces which at today's gold price amounts to almost 11 billion dollars in gross value. So we give this asset away together with 40 million cash and a large land-holding of 72 square kms in the area nearby for 277 million dollars. A sweetheart deal for Argonaut Gold!

almost 12 years ago
Niagara Falls
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