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10Q is out

10Q is in EDGAR

almost 8 years ago
New 8k!!!

Did I make you look? Were you as let down as me?

about 8 years ago
Oman observer article

These articles usually pop up after filings. But this one actually has an author attached, typically they have been by "staff writer" and the accompanying image is not one I have seen before


about 8 years ago
Re: trubbled waters?????

I think you may have your Q's and K's mixed up? We are waiting on the 10Q. Any material development would need reported within a few days so that would come out on an 8K and not wait for a quarterly report. So unless there was coincidental timing on the construction contract, the 10Q will probably just be a review of recent efforts. Also, I thought the NT gives 5 calendar days. Which would be Saturday. I know nothing would be filed on Saturday, but if it gets pushed to Monday, why don't they measure the extension in business days instead of calendar days?

about 8 years ago
Re: 10K

I believe the loan agreement with Masaf AL rayan satisfied the financing agreement date. I know it has not been executed and obviously does not fully fund construction, but of the two things we were waiting to happen, one has been satisfied, from what I could tell. From the summary PDF....

As of the date hereof all of the LLC shareholders have previously made cash and non-cash investments into LLC and the Financing Agreement Date has occurred. When the final

Condition Precedent (the occurrence of the Contract Date) is satisfied, RCA and CCC will be then obligated to make

the Deferred Cash Investments into LLC (as may be amended as indicated above).

over 8 years ago
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