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JAE's Posts

Re: The sad reality

I am sorry to hear about your friend, PI. It would have been gratifying had he realized his dream. The truth is, none of this matters in the big picture. I just want to send out a group hug to all our members and tell you all not to let owning this stock turn you into anything less than an above par human being. I've been away from this hub for a while and in returning, I feel like I am a little less clean for it. Is there any mud in my hair?


about 8 years ago
Re: The Market Likes the MD & A (& a wee note for Okeido)

Okie you are cool. Yeah, but I want it up for more than 4 hrs. Or is it 8 with the cocktail?

about 8 years ago

Yes Baba, exactly.

Sometimes I think we should wipe those big (FAPPLE) guys from our minds and think realistically. The far east seems to be the prime candidate for now and it is exciting to know that their calendar is full of in-person sales pitches to these prospective clients.

And what is super exciting is their end goal of being "inside the box". Till then, it's lots of hard work, more time and patience.

over 8 years ago
Re: Suspense

haha...for me it correlates to the amount of gray hairs I'm getting. (no joke)

over 8 years ago

Yes, I found that extremely thrilling to hear. That there are those select few, who cannot be named, with their finger on the pulse of the industry and advising POET on the best possible direction to travel. Wonderful.

over 8 years ago
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