Ipanema's Profile

Ipanema's Posts

Getting Feed Back

As a regular reader of various sites I am disappointed that over 7 weeks have gone by without a posting here. I find other sites most informative about whats going on with that particular company especially when those of you who have mineral/geological or engineering backgrounds start commenting as these are the areas where I guess I will always be playing catch up.

Couple of questions I have. Firstly any ideas of what might be behind the SP movements of the last week? Long may it continue!! Secondly can anyone tell me where I can find a good map of the area showing where the other mining properties are including Osisko, as not knowing the area personally, I find it difficult to work out who sits where.

In hope that I'm not the only lonely invetsor who hopes to get some chatter going.

over 13 years ago
Re: Looking for Your Support

Thank you all for your time and efforts. I would encourage those of you who have taken on this leadership role to continue to work in all of our interests. For my part I am quite prepared to provide funding once a reasonable budget is put forward. I am struggling with how you can best communicate with the group while recognizing that it will be impossible to guarantee that there will not be one of the opposition within our midst. At some point a leap of faith will be required to protect the determined strategy. You have my support and gratitude.

over 13 years ago
Re: Business lessons and our Reality

Afer 4 decades of business experience I 100% agree with your note. Well written and thank you. I bow to your lengthier career..lol. At some point either private messaging or a separte site with restricted access will be required. I suspect it's already underway.

over 13 years ago
Share Price Manipulation-Collusi...

I had hoped to be able to graph the below information with volumes but my knowledge of how to do the copy and paste onto the blog just isn’t enough. Hopefully you’ll get the picture.




Post Business


Closing SP

Closing SP




March 18th






March 17th






March 16th






March 15th






March 14th






March 11th















Fully diluted

I also don’t have access to level 2, or maybe I just don’t know where to look, and I have not kept a record of WTG daily volumes traded. Fortunately Tectol provided the CMM volumes and prices and I kept some notes on WTG closing prices. What I do recall is that a few thousand or even a few hundred WTG shares bought or sold moves the price $0.30 cents or so, that’s $34 million on or off the WTG capitalization!! It seems to me that our generous “ Black Night” has in place friends on both sides of the fence who are selling and buying CMM stock and likewise WTG stock to keep the effective CMM SP, post business combination, at around $0.85. If I recall correctly a member earlier this week mentioned $0.85 in relation to some off the record information he had been given. Besides the obvious pattern, what I find somewhat comic, is I’m convinced I’m missing something. Back to Rubik.

over 13 years ago
Share Price Manipulation

I am of the view that the price is completely manipulated through in concert activities. As far as I can see there are only 4.8 million shares which might be traded and if these are all held by friendly hands i.e. associates or persons linked in some way, persons who are part of the plan, why would any shares be traded. Sorry, just enough trades to establish the monopoly money share price.

Once the paper exchange is done in addition to the 114,630,210 shares a further, if warrants and options were all exercised, 188,384,739 will have been issued and those not yet held by the in crowd will start coming onto the market. Likely there may be no new buyers, other than the in crowd, when the WTG new shares start being traded. Easy cheap pickings. However it seems to me that the controllers will want the WTG paper to revalue relatively quickly as they will want to use their paper for future acquisitions and a high capitalization for fund raising purposes. If you have the stomach to stay the full ride you could get a reasonable price for your WTG shares.

If anything naughty has been done I’m suggesting this is where the nasty smell is coming from for my nose.

For those of you who have the time and inclination please read up on the subject and let us know what conclusions you arrive at. Regretfully I don't have the time.

Market Manipulation

As defined by the Canadian Securities Administrators in their 2009 Enforcement Report

“market manipulation involves efforts to artificially increase or decrease a company’s share price. Examples of market manipulation include pump and dump schemes, high closing activities and volume manipulation.”

Other investment and stock market related fraud

Please see Canadian Securities Administrators Avoiding Fraud web page for more information on these and other types of investment and stock market fraud:

  • Affinity Fraud

  • Boiler Rooms

  • Pump and Dump

  • Exempt Securities Scams

  • Forex Scam

  • Investment seminar scam

  • Offshore investment scam

  • Retirement account scam

  • Spam e-mail

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Want more information? Inform yourself on your money and your investments. The Canadian Securities Administrators and their provincial and territorial partners have put together a wide range of investor tools, including the "Protect your money: Avoiding frauds and scams" guide you can access and use free of charge by following this link: CSA Investor Tools.

You can also visit the federal Competition Bureau's Fraud Prevention web site for useful initiatives, resources and other important information.

What do you do if you feel you have been a victim of stock market or securities fraud or scam? What should you do? Who should you contact? Follow this link on reporting scams and frauds: Reporting Scams and Frauds.

over 13 years ago
Due Diligence-Preparing for an Announcement

If you wish to get a quick education in the rules governing a bid in Canada the attached link covers most of the key issues in a half hour read. I trust you will find it as informative as I have.


over 13 years ago
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