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Re: Legend Plans to ... A Path to Profitability!

Maybe the more immediate thing the market cares about is a "Path to Solvency."

almost 13 years ago
Re: 2010 Top Stock Pick by top market timer

Let's not get too nutty. 10-20 billion is a little over the top. It's remotely possible, but that's about it. Realize that 10-20 billion is $44 to $88 per share. Not quite, buddy. $10-20 over the next 2-4 years is a likely best case scenario if all goes in our favor.

By the way, Mark Leibovit's blog only mentioned $2.25-2.50 as a target. He said nothing about 10-20 billion...

over 14 years ago
Re: This mornings news release is very exciting!

I was a little concerned. I guess I was picking out the negative, but production was just pushed back by a quarter. D-Tree to commence by the end of Q1 2010 as opposed to Q4 2009. (Paradise to start by Q2.) This is the first time we have been informed of this delay, and it's almost like they're trying to hide it by stuffing it together with this story of how Paradise is much better than expected and blah blah blah...

doesn't worry you?

btw, i've been reading this board for the last year or so and I thank you all for the informative posts! i finally felt compelled to join in.

almost 15 years ago
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