Investor11's Profile

Investor11's Posts

Re: st james

Easy there BOW2U, Im a new investor looking to get up to speed with this company. Forgive me for asking questions, wow.

about 13 years ago
Re: st james

Where is the best place to see how many shares the insiders and buying/selling? Thanks

about 13 years ago
Re: President

I had no intent of scaring investors, I am one myself. The questions about the political situation with a new president are legitimate questions that are good to talk about and bring up as any investor should be interested on how it could effect this company good or bad.

about 13 years ago

Has anyone heard much of the new president Ollanta Humala elected in Peru? He is proposing higher royalties and taxes on mining companies as well as having more control himself with less public investment. Also, more than 200 isolated towns in Peru have organized to stop new mines from being built, saying they will cause pollution or fail to bring direct economic benefits. Has SLI said how they will deal with these issues or how this will effect current plans?

about 13 years ago
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