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Intigold Mines Ltd. – TTAGIT Development Plan – Stage 1 Completed

Vancouver, BC, June 26, 2014 / Intigold Mines Ltd. (IGD - TSX-V) announced today that it has received the following update from TTAGIT Social Networks Inc. ("TTAGIT"). Intigold owns a 51% interest in TTAGIT.

"TTAGIT Development Plan - Stage 1 Completed

TTAGIT has completed stage 1 of its development plan as announced on June 12, 2014 and the new TTAGIT Chrome extension is ready for use and available from the Google Chrome store at

We have added the Twitter functionality to the TTAGIT technology which now allows users to comment using Twitter relevant to any URL you are on. You can follow, reply, retweet or favourite any tweet you like and join in on conversations that use Twitter's functionality for notifications and SMS messaging.

TTAGIT is now a commenting system using Twitter that puts semantic information onto any link that a discussion was held over. We not only want to see more people using Twitter because of it but also add more semantics about a URL tweeted such as what people think about it and what is their own opinion on the subject.

We are now moving into Stage 2 of the development plan, the particulars of which will be announced shortly."

TTAGIT is a proprietary technology which allows you to comment, talk and respond over any website (URL) using live feed while you are viewing the page without having to leave the page that you are on and go to a different website to view or post comments. This is what gives TTAGIT a competitive advantage."

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For information on Intigold and its projects, please visit us at or call 604-669-4677 or toll free at 1-888-895-5522.

(signed "Lori McClenahan")

Lori McClenahan,


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

about 10 years ago
INTIGOLD MINES LTD. – TTAGIT Development Plan - Update

Trading Symbol: IGD (TSX Venture Exchange)
June 23, 2014


Vancouver, BC, June 23, 2014, Intigold Mines Ltd. (IGD - TSX-V) announced today that it has recieved the following update from TTAGIT Social Networks Inc. ("TTAGIT"). Intigold owns a 51% interest in TTAGIT.

TTAGIT Development Plan - Stage 1 Update

The development team has been hard at work carrying out Stage 1 of TTAGIT's development plan. Stage 1 has been designed to bring the Twitter API (Application Programming Interface) into TTAGIT's technology. In just 14 days, we have completed the main logic of Stage 1 of this plan which is pulling tweets that are relative to a URL down to the permalink. In addition, we discovered an unexpected bonus. The development team found that we could pull the information that the tweet was made from directly from the source (i.e. Twitter, Tweetdeck, Hootsuite, etc.) as opposed to pulling it from the TTAGIT system.

The development team is in the process of completing Stage 1 of the development plan and upon completion, we will issue a further update.

TTAGIT is a proprietary technology which allows you to comment, talk and respond over any website (URL) using live feed while you are viewing the page without having to leave the page that you are on and go to a different website to view or post comments. This is what gives TTAGIT a competitive advantage.

For information on Intigold and its projects, please visit us at or call 604-669-4677 or toll free at 1-888-895-5522.


(signed "Lori McClenahan")

Lori McClenahan,


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

about 10 years ago

Trading Symbol: IGD (TSX Venture Exchange)
May 14, 2014


Vancouver, BC, June 12, 2014, Intigold Mines Ltd. (IGD - TSX-V) announced today that it has received the following update from TAGIT Social Networks Inc. ("TTAGIT"). Intigold owns a 51% interest in TTAGIT.

TTAGIT Development Plan

TTAGIT has developed a plan to take its technology to the next level. Pending completion of this plan, the TTAGIT website will be temporarily suspended ("under construction") and TTAGIT extensions will no longer be available.

TTAGIT is a proprietary technology which allows you to comment, talk and respond over any website (URL) using live feed while you are viewing the page without having to leave the page that you are on and go to a different website to view or post comments. This is what gives TTAGIT a competitive advantage. Although TTAGIT's technology presently contains most of the major features, TTAGIT has not yet moved forward to monetize its competitive advantage and its technology remains in beta.

TTAGIT has designed a strategic five-stage plan to enhance, advance and monetize its technology and is expected to drop the "beta" label after completion of this plan.

The new TTAGIT system will:

  1. bring the Twitter API (Application Programming Interface) into TTAGIT's technology which will provide all the benefits of Twitter, such as tweeting, to existing followers, notifications and a larger user base;

  2. allow for low maintenance costs;

  3. be open source and available for the public to contribute;

  4. work in real-time;

  5. provide a zero cost base for hosting whether the user base is 1,000,000 or 50,000,000. If any database is needed in the future the cost will be very low;

  6. compliment Twitter and vice versa; and

  7. operate on an easy-to-understand platform.

TTAGIT is very excited about its development plan and intends to provide an update after the completion of each stage of the plan.

For information on Intigold and its projects, please visit us at or call 604-669-4677 or toll free at 1-888-895-5522.


(signed "Lori McClenahan")

Lori McClenahan,


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

over 10 years ago
Intigold Mines Ltd. - Launches New Website

Trading Symbol: IGD (TSX Venture Exchange)
May 14, 2014


Vancouver, BC, June 4, 2014, Intigold Mines Ltd. (IGD - TSX-V) announced today that it has launched a new website. The new website is fully responsive for mobile to wide-screens, uses the latest in web technologies like Twitter Cards and Open Graph for SEO and is hosted for free on Github. The blogging platform is Ruby on Rails and Twitter bootstrap frameworks.

As part of the Company's objective, the new website has been designed to handle the increase in mobile traffic, to enhance the mobile user's experience and to showcase TTAGIT, which is a proprietary technology owned 51% by Intigold Mines Ltd. Please refer to the Company's website ( for further information regarding TTAGIT.

For information on Intigold and its projects, please visit us at or call 604-669-4677 or toll free at 1-888-895-5522.


(signed "Lori McClenahan")

Lori McClenahan,


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

over 10 years ago
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