Inceptus's Profile

Hobby - sailing puncuated by a little golf now and then; winters in Mexico (Cuba recently) summers in Beautiful BC.

Inceptus's Posts

Market discounted already

It appears the market had long since discounted QEC price without Quebec potential so if Binnion can keep the company solvent with the western operations until such time that Quebec (if and when) changes, this get tucked away for another 3-4 years.

Good luck to all longs and the best of the season to you.


almost 10 years ago
Survey translation

Quebecers and shale gas : a relationship troublegaz shale environmental risks 0 comment extraction of shale gas , whose large-scale mining began in the 2000s is seen as at risk , what it across the Atlantic , Quebec ?

Political values ​​of Quebecers Ting understanding of issues of extracting shale gas. ( Illustration: Benoit Gougeon )

Quebecers have a particularly strong reluctance on the extraction of shale gas. This reluctance is not the manifestation of the syndrome " not in my backyard " , according to a comparative survey of 2,500 Americans and Quebecers by faculty in the Department of Political Science at the University of Montreal , Éric Montpetit and Erick Lachapelle, and USA .

Forum met Mr. Montpetit , one of the authors of this study, to learn the cause of this negative perception.

Your poll commissioned it a few months ago by the Ministry of Environment of Quebec , has allowed a better understanding of why Quebecers oppose so fiercely to the exploitation of shale gas. Political and cultural traits have a negative influence on the perception of issues. Explain .

É.M. : The survey was conducted among 1,500 respondents in Quebec , a large proportion came from the Montérégie , where there are operating shale gas projects , and 1,000 respondents in two states , the Michigan and Pennsylvania . Our results indicate that the opposition is much stronger in Quebec than in the United States . The main reason is not related to lack of information. It is rather the importance of political values ​​that would somehow divert understanding of the issues .

What political values ​​do you speak and how they act on perceptions?

Éric Montpetit and Erick Lachapelle

É.M. : In our survey, two values ​​predominated in perceptions : egalitarianism and individualism. Egalitarian people have very high expectations in terms of social justice, fairness and equality among citizens , while more individualistic value personal success . It was found that egalitarians tended to perceive more strongly risk, while individualists underestimate . This is true in Quebec and the United States . The difference is that there is much more egalitarian here than our American neighbors. This is the reason why the opposition against shale gas is also virulent in Quebec compared to the United States.

You also say that the way journalists spoke of issues related to the exploitation of shale gas has played a role in perceptions. Can you give some examples?

É.M. : Very little has been said in the media that Quebecers consume a lot of gas and the gas is currently imported from Alberta. Develop this sector allow us to be more independent in terms of energy . This is an important argument that has yet little understood . We talked a lot about focusing on multinationals from Western Canada or abroad who come to exploration in Quebec and who pay very little fees. However, this approach to shale gas echoed the egalitarian values ​​. They are very sensitive to this type of speech that refers to a problem of justice and social equity . They say : "We will pay the cost that could lead extraction, while profits go into the pockets of the companies, often foreign and more . " This is what came indignant egalitarians , who later became concerned by environmental hazards.

Tell us about the risks related to the extraction of shale gas .

É.M. : The problem is we do not know exactly what are the possible adverse effects. There is considerable uncertainty about this. U.S. studies have reported methane leaks in Pennsylvania, but in other places like Arkansas there has been no problem . Characteristics of soil, rock and groundwater are very important. Before discussing the risks , we need to know these characteristics. In Quebec, there has been very little exploration , which does not allow us to know what are the real risks of the shale gas extraction on our territory.

As part of your survey , you also conducted an experiment indicating that new information from a credible source were likely to change opinion in the United States and Quebec . What is it exactly?

É.M. : A significant proportion of egalitarian Quebec is likely to revise downward its risk aversion if the Office of Public Hearings on the Environment and credible scientific approve a report showing that the risks associated with the extraction of shale gas are low. However , such a change in the perception of risk is insufficient to transform very high reluctance of Quebecers majority support . You should know that the opposition in Quebec with respect to the extraction of shale gas now stands at 70%. The main reason for this opposition is based on a very strong fear associated with potential risks. Credible sources would reduce this fear , but the opposition would continue beyond 50%. For cons , the United States , Pennsylvania especially , opinion is divided about equally between those who favor the extraction of shale gas and those who oppose it. A reassuring study about the risks there would a more significant effect in Quebec .

over 10 years ago
Re: Questerre Energy Corporation: Upper Montney Tests at 1,076 boe/d Gross with 227

Liberal leader Couillard ran on a platform of developing Quebecs resources and creating 250,000 jobs. I am sure that Mike and the Quebec Oil and Gas Association have a presentation ready to go for him.


over 10 years ago
Re: Questerre Energy Corporation: Upper Montney Tests at 1,076 boe/d Gross with 227

Liberal leader Couillard ran on a platform of developing Quebecs resources and creating 250,000 jobs. I am sure that Mike and the Quebec Oil and Gas Association have a presentation ready to go for him.


over 10 years ago
Quebec gov't announcement

Hope yet for the Quebec govt re natural gas unless all they want to do is take the billions in federal transfer payments and buy Alberta fracked ng. So much cleaner that way.

Cheers all longs,


almost 11 years ago
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