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14 reasons for frustration

Last weekend I noted reasons why I am still invested. While I continue to be confident in my investment, and I hope and trust we see and hear very good news very "soon", it doesn't stop me, and I would guess others, from being frustrated, at times, with our investment in Poet.

Here are 14 reasons why.

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- Current share price

- Overall lack of promotion,

- Lack of clear benefits of former promo (commercials) (road shows)

- Seemingly lack of involvement in applicable industry events

- Updating web page tardy

- Lack of clarity in news

- Unsatisfactory IR in past

- Shifting of vision/strategies

- Unclear TRAB involvement/participants

- Elongated time-frames for milestones, prototypes, commercialization, buy-out, major partners involvement

- Constant selling via certain houses

- Constant option/warrant overhang

- Some ridiculous “dot connecting”

- My own lack of tech knowledge. So I'm sorry, I believe in the tech and our team, and it won't take much to alleviate these frustrations, but......

Other frustrations?

about 8 years ago
17 reasons why I'm still here

Well, we've had one long take off recently. Here is why I am hanging in.

- everyone in the tech sector is talking about the need for the next generation technology

- integrated photonics appears to be the solution

- ongoing discussions and NDA’s

- Dr. Taylor saw the limits of silicon years before most others

- only laser integration needed to tackle massive AOC market, with transistors and detector milestones met

- visited the lab at UConn twice and saw/heard the enthusiasm. Saw them waiting on results from N & P channels, and then read the success announced shortly after. Also saw them working on quantum dots long before anything was announced publicly

- current management team above reproach, with solid industry expertise and reputation

- UConn (stock only), Denselight (cash and stock), and BB(stock only) deals take shares

- best-in-class performance of detector

- validation of process transfer to scalable production environment

- tie-ins with other solid firms - Wavetek, A-Star, EpiWorks

- solid balance sheet with revenues forthcoming

- prototypes and new products expected within months

- I believe there is huge upside to this little company

- not sure where else I would find this kind of opportunity

- met Rainer, FJ, and others that I really like

- been here for 8 years and not leaving now

I'm sorry, but tell me why you are still invested.

about 8 years ago
Slowly but surely

"We are charting new territory here".

I think they are making stochiometric adjustments.........."on the same proprietary epitaxy". I love that...proprietary. Seems they are fine tuning and it is taking longer than expected. I can live with that.

And I'm sorry, I do like that these guys are being honest and upfront with the developments. "Two of the three critical individual pieces of an integrated opto-electronic product are now in place"........but, "we have encountered delays in completing the VCSEL milestone." Frankly, I don't think they needed to say we are delayed but chose to be open about the situation. Somewhat unusual for the Vulture.

Slowly but surely. Hang in there.

about 8 years ago
I think I needed to hear this

Well, I think I needed to hear this.

A simple little quote from Robert Herjavec (Shark Tank, Dragon's Den). Hope it helps as we wait once again.

"It is difficult to make long term decisions when you are aiming to deliver short term gains every quarter. This kind of strategy may work for a while, but reality always has a way of catching up to you."

I'm sorry, but I sure wish the SP was way higher........ right now! Yet I guess that is really short term thinking given the strategy behind their actions and what we believe is being, and will be, accomplished by our team.

about 8 years ago
Re: The reason for the THM


Please note I said "..........but I think...........


about 8 years ago
The reason for the THM

I'm sorry, but I think we now can understand the real reason for the THM. It was more than just an expensive update.

It was always a question in my mind - why would they hold this meeting in Toronto a few weeks prior the AGM?? Now we can see their carrot ploy. Appease stakeholders before the option issues arise and the dumping begins - and more options issued.


about 8 years ago
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