I_C_Deadpeople's Profile

I_C_Deadpeople's Posts

Re: ASTM Designation

If the company is relying on the designation for it's product value then this would be a significant event that could have a dramatic negative effect on the share price. It would be like a pharma company relying on a new drug for future sales that does not get FDA approval. If the basis of the current share price depends almost soley on the deisgnation and it is rejected well then they will have to do some significant 'spinning' to keep the share price from falling. 

over 7 years ago
Re: Mining Time

Two years at the earliest. Three at the latest

over 7 years ago
Re: Both of you forgot to factor in another cost....

Actually we are not, or at least not likely. If you follow Martin Armtrong, the NA equity markets are being fed monies from Europe as that area collapses. Then Japan will collpase and THEN and only then the US - so a long ways to go.

over 8 years ago
Re: The only reason we haven't been taken already is.....

AE has stated he has full control over the stock via insiders, friends and family - simply known as 'strong hands'. Heck, he may consider us to be strong hands.

I think we can now safely say that the reason there were no take out offers was twofold:

(1) from an end use perspective - flow sheet and costs were not known

(2) from a miner's perspective #1 plus they would have to understand the pricing.

I would say this has now been resolved so there should be no obstacles or holdbacks to any negotiations.

over 9 years ago
Re: Off Take Scenario

But if an Off Take is done in Canada, would it not actually be a Take Off? Eh?

over 9 years ago
Re: Off Take Scenario

"Stephen Harper had just announced the need for canada to totally illinimate the use of fosil fuel within 50 years"

Politicians only see as far as the next election..anything else they say has zero relevance.

over 9 years ago
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