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Re: Max gets news

IT WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT ME!!!!! And I don't appreciate the insinuation. That video was a disgrace and did nothing but harm your cause. I posted earlier "Absolutely fantastic. Hilarious. That was awesome." I'd like to think that as dimwitted as this crew is, it's still bright enough to recognize that was sarcasm. Intended as a joke or not.....Hitler? Really? You guys don't think that was completely and absolutely over the top? C'mon now guys. You have to be kidding me. Durban1 has obviously not read a single thing I've posted if he could think for a second that I had anything to do with this. First off...I would NEVER portray even my worst enemy in the way this video portrays Max. And second.....I ABSOLUTELY BELIEVE WITH EVERY FIBER OF MY BEING THAT THE ONLY WAY CENTURY HOLDERS WIN IS IF THIS DEAL GOES THROUGH. NO IF ANDS OR BUTS ABOUT IT. If this deal goes though, and you hold your White Tiger shares, everyone of you will be singing a different tune about Mr. Finskiy. I'll take his side every single time and I'm gonna win an a$$ load more than I'm gonna lose. The sooner all of you recognize that the better off you'll be.

about 13 years ago
"Disinterested" as defined by the Century Board.........

I asked the Century board to define for me what they meant by "disinterested" and this is what they said..........."When we use the word "disinterested", we're referring to a group of morons that spend all day posting on message boards and who blow all their money on attorneys to fight a battle they can't win." "They also like to start their sentences by saying things like "One would say" or "One would think" which also means they're pseudo intellectual douche bags. But we didn't think that would be appropriate for a press release."

Personally I thought that was a little harsh. Except the "One would" part. It's hard to argue that point.

over 13 years ago
Re: Max gets the news (Courtesy : VideoDude from Stockhouse)

Absolutely fantastic. Hilarious. That was awesome.

over 13 years ago
Re: Century Closes Flow-Through Financing and Receives Working Capital Loan

I finally posted something without all of you ganging up and attacking me so I will pay you the same courtesy. But in regards to the above article....All I've said all along is that Century is either out of money or close to it. And here we are with Finskiy having to provide a "working capital" loan of a million dollars despite the fact that we're within only a few short months of having this deal close. I'm curious to hear your explanations. Remember....this isn't Finskiy buying additional shares to help sway the vote. This is simply a loan to enable Century to continue operations at Lamaque. Without which, I'll draw the natural conclusion, they would not be able to do. Keep in mind that I'M NOT TRYING TO ANTAGONIZE!!!! Contrary to popular opinion I'm just a regular shareholder just like all of you. A very concerned shareholder in the event this deal doesn't go through. I support your efforts to the extent that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. The grease in this case being better terms. What I don't support is the deal not going through as a result of the dissent. Which is purely due to my fear that Century is on extremely shaky financial ground at the moment.

over 13 years ago

Just voted FOR on all counts!!! You guys can thank me when this deal goes through and your White Tiger shares are at $4 - $5 bucks by year end!!! And have to own shares in order to get to vote!

over 13 years ago
Response to Docman

Well you're obviously well versed on the transaction and the one thing I'm done doing on this site is trying to persuade anyone to do anything outside of what they feel comfortable doing. Clearly everyone on here is voting no. Me being the exception. There's nothing I can say to change anyone's mind and that's fine. I've never claimed things weren't manipulated. I've never claimed Century was getting fair market value for their assets. What i have proposed is that this is part of a bigger plan. I do believe that Century is cash strapped and fumbling at the moment. That's not to say that with some additional funding they can't get things going in the right direction. I'm just of the firm belief that this is part of a grander plan. I'm willing to bet that, in the event this deal goes through, WTG shares are back to the $4 to $5 level within a few months. ($1.60 to $2 Century). I don't believe Century sees those levels on it's own for years. If ever. We all claim Finskiy is a master manipulator and the deck is stacked. Well if WTG gets cut in half in order to buy Century and then goes lower after the deal only to sit there, that won't exactly be the work of a master. There is absolutely no shot that's the final result here. ABSOLUTELY NO SHOT!!! I believe the Russians put their money in no lose situations. I have no reason to believe this doesn't fall into the same category. My bet is on the Russians. It's that simple. I understand that's not the righteous stance. But I only care about making money. And if Mr. Finskiy makes me alot of money on this deal I'll have a neon sign with his name on it over my bar in the basement and I'll toast to him on a regular basis. Here's to you Max!!! Get er' done!!!

over 13 years ago
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