HydroG's Profile

<b><u>Education</u></b> <br> <b>University of Waterloo</b> Hons. B.Sc. Science and Business: Hydrogeology Specialization <br> <b>University of Guelph</b> Candidate for M.A.Sc. Water Resources Engineering <br> <p><b><u>Background</u></b> I have experience working as a hydrogeologist in the environmental, mining and petroleum industries. Through this work I have been involved in mine dewatering activities, large scale tailings management projects and have visited several mines in North and South America.

HydroG's Posts

Quiet Period

When a company goes public there is a "quiet period" ( http://www.justia.com/banking-finance/initial-public-offerings/docs/ipo-quiet-period.html ) that preceeds the IPO. Does anyone know if this same procedure would apply to a spinout (Havilah)? If so, would it apply to St. Elias as a whole or would it only apply to news relating to the BC properties?

If anyone could provide some insight about this topic, it would be greatly appreciated.

over 12 years ago
Re: Crazy Henderson

Although Badger appears to have a negative outlook on SLI, I respect his views and found some value in his posts. I feel however that he is now beating a dead horse, in part to defend his views but quite possibly also to push his own agenda.

Badger, you are preaching to the choir.
Many of us are down a considerable amount and anyone who didn't understand the risks of investing in a junior certainly does now. Not from your posts, but from a deminishing share price. We are all waiting for those stellar results, and may they come soon. Believing is not a crime don't treat it like one.

I welcome your objective posts, negative or positive but try not to get caught up in all the banter. It won't get you anywhere on this board.

The above is strictly my opinion, take it as you will.

over 12 years ago
Re: something quick

I'd like to clarify something about point 1. of jon_doe's post. The quantec geophysical survey did not narrow it down to the presence of either mineralization or water.

The response to these geophysical methods depends on the resistivity/conductivity and chargeability of the material. These properties can be influenced by the presence and chemistry of water in the pore space but also by changes in the physical and chemical properties of the rock (what we are looking for).

Sometimes alteration of the rock properties by tectonic processes results in mineralization (what we are really looking for). However, this is not always the case. There can be alteration without mineralization, which could generate a similar response in the geophysical survey.

In my opinion the importance of the core sampling results are that they indicate that the alteration AND the mineralization associated with it occur at depth.

over 12 years ago
Re: something quick

Thanks for taking the time to reply Sculpin.

over 12 years ago
Re: something quick

I have been a silent observer for a few months now but today's shake up encouraged me to post again. I would have to agree with @To the end's friend. In my opinion this is not a bad news release.

I agree with most of Sculpin's points.

There isn't really enough information in the news report to help us understand the deposit. These sampling results need to be combined with the structural data to provide us with anything meaningful. This integration of datasets is what should be occurring behind the scenes as St. Elias and their consultants generate a conceptual model of the deposit.

I would hope that they didn't only sample vein intercepts and I don't think that we should assume that is the case. Unfortunately they don't specify if a sample is a vein or matrix sample, so we don't know which (if any) of the samples represent disseminated gold values within the rock.

Sculpin, one thing I would like clarification on however is your comment:
drill core intercepts will usually be lower than actual mining grade of the vein that was intercepted."

Could you elaborate on this? Statistically speaking, shouldn't there be an equal chance of the mining grade being lower than that of the core samples? I suppose it depends on the geometry of the veins and distribution of gold within them. I would just appreciate some insight to your reasoning.

I think that the important things to take away from this news release are:
1) There has been notable progress with the drilling program
2) As Sculpin mentioned, the mineralization has been found to continue at depth. This is a big development, as this was a major question to be answered by the drilling program.

I think we have some exciting days ahead of us here. I'm curious to see the interpretation of these results and also to find out what that anomaly represents.

over 12 years ago

I guess to be fair, I still owe Skulpin my opinion on the Titan24. I've been swamped with work for the past few weeks and haven't had the time to post. I hope to write something up shortly but for now, back to the course.

over 13 years ago
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