Heltfeil's Profile

Guess I'll throw something up in the future.

Heltfeil's Posts

Re: Canada is pulling the share price lower every day of the week.

Shortselling are still popular here, as it is pretty much everywhere else. I don't think there have been other restrictions on standard shortselling in the western world then those countrys that had a temporary ban on shorting banks during the low of the so-called "financial crisis". But naked short ain't legal in Norway (shorting stocks you haven't allready borrowed), but not sure how well that is enforced. At least among the private investors, it ain't that many who actually know how to short, and far less that know how to do a naked-short.

But _talk_ about shorting and manipulation, thats something at least the norwegian private investors are 'good' at.

over 13 years ago
Re: Who what's to invest in QEC?

Considering the relatively low volume of the latest slide, it can't be that much of a "interesting shareholder"...

over 13 years ago
Re: Need a find...

While I think its pretty cool that a single state in Canada speak a completely different language then the rest (more or less), not bothering to translate a report with such big impact on so many out-of-state people, is pretty poor judgement imo and bad service.

Its a rather lengthy report and all, but it was finished at the very least a week before it went public. Shouldn't have been a problem to have it translated by now.

I can't even c/p from it to google translator, so I have to rely on other peoples translated quotes, like the one you quoted above from the gazette (multiple other medias that got the exact same quote though).

over 13 years ago
Re: Canadian Gas Association

Yeah, what happened to NG? Remember spending a good portion of the day reading through US's latest Energy Bill (now Energy Act 2010), and there was lots of focus on NG and how its the way to go until we develope (or allow developed) technology that is even more friendly to the environment.

But instead of spending some of that freshly printed dollars upgrading the public and commercial transport to NG, they have more or less blown it on crap. Like "saving" the auto-industry, by giving them money to keep producing products that will be completely obsolete in the very short term. Have fun selling gasoline-cars at 150$+++ a barrel. Instead they could have actually saved the industry by giving them enough money to convert their production-lines to public transport running on NG, and just buy all the busses etc. for the rest of the money. Would both give them a much needed value for their money, a great public transport service for when people can't afford to drive, while those payments for goods would keep the industry humming for a long time.

I guess it ain't without reason the CAD has surpassed the USD...

Anyways, I can't really see how the NG can keep such a spread to oil for much longer. And it ain't the oil thats going to close the gap, thats for sure. You could blame the surplus of NG, but it goes against all economical business-sense to run those dirty coal-plants when you got NG at such stable and low prices. Yet coal-consumption in the US increased 5% in 2010, and estimated to raise 2.6% in 2012, while NG is estimated to increase 1% in 2012.

At least thats yet another potentially huge trigger for our paper.

over 13 years ago
Re: Great posts...

On the OSE, about 14M changed hands yesterday, for comparison.

Mind posting the link to the BNN interview btw? Saves me the trouble searching for it.

over 13 years ago
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