Headfirst's Profile

Headfirst's Posts

Re: very curious??

I believe whoever purchased the shares didn't use a price limit to cap the purchase price they where willing to pay for shares. Just a mistake from the buyer. I'm sure they won't do that again.

Let's hope for a green day tomorrow,


about 12 years ago
Re: Reading the tea leaves

Thanks for answering my question.

I know its speculation on your part but, your opinion is held in high regard here.

Maybe we'll start to get some answers starting tomorrow.


about 12 years ago
Re: Reading the tea leaves


I can't fault you on your overall reasoning, I just hope your 90 cents a share is low.

I've stated previously that I believe we'll have a min. 5 million ounce resource at the end of the day (If we don't have one already).

At $1200 an ounce and projected costs of $461 US an ounce.

What takeout price would you be comfortable with?



about 12 years ago
Re: When?

My guess is on Monday July 30th.



about 12 years ago
Re: Monday..market out look..as I see it..

Portee I agree with your assessment.

My minimum has been 5 Million ounces and $5 a share for a while now.

At the Insiders Presentation on June 3rd, the talk amongst us shareholders, was for an even greater# of ounces.

I think a big problem management has is determining the size of the deposit for the full feasibility study but it keeps growing (poor us!!).

Anyway, I should go now as I'm getting excited and thinking of numers like 10 million and $10.00 a share. I need to lie down!!!

Until the updated resource is released,

take care tried and true,


over 12 years ago
Re: Conference

I too attended the conference with the hope of finding out the new resource estimate only to discover that I had some more waiting to do.

I usually don't post about such events as I think others are much more qualified to comment (think Cedartree, Coach247 etc) than I am. However, I came away from the conference much more excited than when I arrived. I heard many positive comments about Prodigy from other attendees.

Brian did say they have enough money to complete the feasibility process and that he's spoken to three potential lenders? to raise the capital costs.

There was much excitement talking amongst ourselves after the presentation, as only excited shareholders can do, and I've learned the painfull reality of what can happen in the junior mining industry, but I feel more and more confident with our chances of developing a mine at Magino.

Thank-you Brian and his team!!!

Looking forward to the new resource number's


over 12 years ago
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