HayzToo's Profile

HayzToo's Posts

Re: Downside risk vs potential upside

[quote]While cuu can double to mid-twenties in a week, or good lord forbid, a production decision or buy out occurs, cuu can be 10 bagger overnight imo. Being caught on the outside during those events would be just the kind of insanely nightmarish luck that I have had since becoming a cuu investor. So just that fear alone stops me from selling any cuu. [/quote]


This right here...

So many of us read this one part of this one paragraph, and I swear the axis of the Earth titled at the collective forces of all of us nodding our heads in agreement.

I haven't posted in months and months and months, but I had to sign in to just post my bitter agreement with this one statement.

CUU Long to the end. Even if the ship goes down, I'll be right there with you pouring the drinks.


over 8 years ago
Holiday foxes

Heading out of town on a 3-week "get out of the cold" vacation.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and above all a SAFE New Year to all of you foxes.



over 9 years ago
Some stuff updated

I've updated some of the information available.

The symbol should show correctly now as the new symbol. From what I can tell, they have not yet updated their website domain name or anything like that, so there is little for me to update there.

I'm out of town on holidays for over a month, so I won't be updating the pages until I return. Hopefully Agoracom can roll through and keep some of this page udpated with the current information as it comes in. I'm not entirely sure if they're willing to play that roll though, so do not be surprised if it waits until my return.

Edit: I cannot seem to edit the Name under Fast Facts either. I suspect that will be for Agoracom alone.

over 9 years ago
Re: money back & any info. on project status

quote/endquote "heck, even vette and webglugs are gone..."

I was surprised to see that Vette has removed Copper Fox from his blog site. I wonder if he still believes in the project. I suppose if he's done promoting it on his blog, we should remove the links to his blog.

about 10 years ago
Re: Interesting development! Copper Fox taking legal action...

Some of those linked messages are starting to be removed. Some say "removed at the request of the original poster," and some just say "no such message."

The first message is likely the OPs scared into requesting removal of their own message, which, at this point, will not protect them from any amount of litigation if it goes that far. Their posts are already in the public record.

The second message may indicate that the admins of the board are complying with the requests by removing messages with or without approval from the OP. If that's the case, it's not a stretch to assume that they may also provide at least the IP Addresses of the poster, if not the rest of the personal information they have on their files. Whether the information is false or not is another question.

The people that were just venting due to anger or frustration may be in some trouble if this goes further, but any of them that were smart paid bashers who stirred the pot for benefit were probably using proxy services to obfuscate their IP Addresses.

I noticed that at least one prominent poster here is also named in that request. Personally, I don't think I've seen Canada Grant go over the top in any of his posts. Yes, he's been angry at times. Yes, he may still be angry, but, honestly, I don't think he committed any crimes by voicing his frustrations. I certainly don't recall him posting anything that was either illegal to post or defamatory in nature. He never, to my recollection, presented anything as fact instead of as his opinion.

I know I saw a bunch of other names that we've seen here before, but not many of them are still active?

I hope they get the bad guys, but I also hope that the innocent people caught up in their net come out of this okay.

Best of luck to the good ones. Here's a brick to the bad ones.


over 10 years ago

A lot of posters seem to think that being a forum moderator requires in depth knowledge of the stock at hand. This is not the case. Being a succesfull moderator requires only the ability to recognize posts that do or do not break the rules of the forum. Okay, it's not that cut and dried, but it does present the essence of what's required. In depth knowledge of a stock should not be the litmus test used to ascertain who the best moderators will be.

The best sales managers are rarely the best salespeople. Unfortunately, it's usually the most succesfull salespeople that tend to get promoted because they end up being the most visible, and that ususally sets them up to fail. The skills required for managing people are not the same skills used to sell trust.

Vette was fantastic at DD. His knowledge of CUU was the highest I'd ever seen. That didn't make him a good forum moderator. He was heavy handed against nay-sayers, but he would allow rampant positive speculation to remain simply because it was positive. He really was not a good match as a moderator, and there were many extensive arguments that erupted because of his heavy handedness (sp?). His abillty to ferret out CUU information did not instantly make him adept at handling the day to day forum moderation.

A good forum moderator should be able to apply the 6-rules equally against all posts (regardless of either their negative or their positive leaning).

I'm a hub leader at BXX, but I rarely post anything there. I do, however, check daily (and often-ish) to see if anything requires moderation. It would not surprise me if the silent moderators are also here on a daily basis to check on things. As Golf and WN have already pointed out... there's very little left to talk about. We all wait ad naseum for the end... be it good or bad.

I feel for the moderators here at CUU... it's a thankless, and usually unwanted, position.

It's also important for people to realize how the Agoracom forums pick the hub leaders. Some can be appointed in special circumstances by the Agoracom royalty, but, in most cases, hub leaders are automatically promoted through the heuristics of the site itself. The formulas involved weigh several factors including a person's rating and overall points. These are not the only factors. George could probably speak more about all the factors involved.

That's why Chunkytoast was being demoted/promoted on a daily basis for a while. He must have been right on the fenceline, and the automated system would either demote or promote him based on what side of the fence his formula was placing him. I bet it was frustrating, and given his post where he essentially electronically flipped everyone the bird :) he was definitely frustrated by the actions. I don't think he understood that it was just a computer running a formula, and there were no admins anywhere having fun at his expense by flipping a switch on a daily basis.

Hope this information helps.


over 10 years ago
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