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Happycat's Posts

Re: Another dissent denied

Thanks LP,

Sorry for the late response, but am throwing in this towel.

The wheels on this fell off when I mis-interpreted the vote (against) for the actual letter of dissent, and subsequently my letter was late by a a few hours.

I had my shares certified to me on time and all the rest.

I'll just Move on.

A special thanks to all who have helped by posting on this issue Blackfly, Bb, etc


almost 14 years ago
Antoher dissent denied

I received my dissent letter rejection yesterday ,

Refusing my dissent because my written letter was received after 10 am on the 4th of Oct.

Any thoughts on submitting SPQ certificates, (and delaying capital gains)???


almost 14 years ago
Re: I am now a very unhappy non-dissenter

thanks BF.

I am not sure where to send the share certificate as I sent my dissent letter to 2 places. I am assuming Spiders office ???


almost 14 years ago
Re: I am now a very unhappy non-dissenter

Blackfly, I wondering if:

1) They answered you from 50 Richmond Crs. address. or the Amalco office?

2) Was it a deadline issue for registering your shares, and you missed the cut? or they making up bs.


almost 14 years ago
Re: Today's volume

Hopefully they'll take it as it is post dated appropriately.


almost 14 years ago
Re: Today's volume

Thanks, I talked to KWG and some others and most were as fuzzy as I was on this.

I mailed my dissent today by express post too,

I interpreted my (against) vote was my objection. Perhaps some confusion in the wording was to be found in Step 5, I thought acutal dissent letter could make it after the results of the share holder meeting were circulated within 10 days.

We will see, I guess.

any one else ???


almost 14 years ago
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