Hank Reardon's Profile

Hank Reardon's Posts

Re: What do get when you blast a deer face-on with a shotgun?

Entirely possible. Trade offer closed with no exeution. Not even a partial fill bite.

over 8 years ago
Re: open offer this afternoon only

mmm interesting. Schwab and TD must not be talking

over 8 years ago
open offer this afternoon only

for 500,000 at .0002. What???? No takers???

over 8 years ago
An Observation

As I watch the spike in negative emotions here by the long term holders (the die hards), I can't help but think it smells of a classic final capitulation. Now that capitulation may or may not in fact be warranted, but it smells of capitulation none the less.

Just something to consider.

Cheers from a long term TDC holder

over 9 years ago
Hank Reardon
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