Habanadude's Profile

Habanadude's Posts

Re: The Dump Continues

Patience Grasshopper!!!


about 8 years ago
Re: Volkswagen ceo

Sorry to our favorite feline for the recommendation on wishful post but hit button in error can't retract.



about 8 years ago
Re: Volkswagen ceo

First of all how do you know he didn't ?

Now correct me if I'm wrong, but to purchase standby warrants you needed to purchase all your rights which means you had to purchase all your rights. Maybe late bemail filed or posted at Sedar?

Now do some due diligence and there is plenty of signs out there tha indicates we will be going up soon.



about 8 years ago
Re: New Article in the National Post

Love this we have no money think again.

The results, the PEA and the quality of the deposit has attracted considerable interest. When we asked Eveleigh about Zenyatta’s funding he told us that the company has, in fact, been offered funding although he could not disclose the form or the amount of that funding. “We’re looking at it.” was all Eveleigh was willing to say. “We have money in the bank.” said Eveleigh emphasizing that the company was in no rush to take funding.



Choo Choo

over 9 years ago

I have been thinking about the PEA for the past 4 days and through all the info I have received and read, I have come to the following conclusions.

PEA by definition can only demonstrate the potential viability of mineral resources.

Read more here:


So now the PEA that was released by Zenyatta Ventures did exactly that.They proved that we have a 22 year mine @ 30kt per year at a cost of $2036.00 per ton & an average profit of $5464.00 per ton which translates into 110M per year profit. They used the amount of graphite down to the sill, which is all that is needed to take this project onto the PFS stage & FS. Recovery is approximately 75%, which I figure will increase as we move along to around 85-90%. The price IMO was taken from a very broad spectrum & gave us an average from all sectors. The price of $7500 is IMO a ballpark figure.This will be adjusted when end-users or off takes have been determines and the final price will be adjusted upward again IMO.The cost of the mine is an estimate on the high end because we will mine, process & ship the finished product. Do you honestly think that it will cost that amount of money? I DON’T. I also think that the Federal & Provincial Governments will provide some funding to improve the infrastructure. Remember we are close to Constance Lake reserve and what is hitting the news these days.The mistreatment of the Canadian Aboriginals for over 100 years. The employees of this mine will come from this community.I can see mega funding here. Oh & by the way we have Ken Stowe on board who specializes in mines & PEA’s. Almost forgot buyouts. We won’t have to worry about any of this. IMO

OK enough on the PEA; ZEN has done all they need to do at this stage. Why waste money when you have proven without a reasonable doubt that this project is viable. Now lets move on to the PFS and get the meat & potatoes.

Now once we get this little bump in the road over with investors will start realizing how profitable this company will be and start jumping in at these cheap prices. We will also start see institutional investors moving in. Lets think about this for minutes we are at a market cap of 90M & a yearly minimum profit of 110M.Now how stupid is that. You can’t fix stupid but you can point him in the right direction. Now as for SP we should be in the $3.50 range with this bare minimum PEA.

What’s next we don’t know but AE does and I suspect that we will see a strategic partner coming on board with 9% of the company and it will be a biggie. The other thing that we will see either an off take agreement which will set a definite price for the Albany Clean Tech Hydrothermal Graphite or a buyout. Now the price of a buyout IMO my original figure all the way has been around the $16 mark.But lets put this out there it will be more than $5 which I am happy - $10 extremely happy. The thing here is from this price it is a triple at a minimum.

Ok tomorrow you can see a final kick at the can by the shorts to drive down and recover. Then they will start all over again & allow the SP to rise back up & try to do it all over again.If you have any dry powder, which I think, some do get ready for the cheapies.

Now hopefully this helps people with there decisions about this fantastic company.

Disclaimer:I am not a Scientist, Chief, Cook or Bottle Washer.I am retail investor like the rest of you.Sorry for being long winded.


over 9 years ago
Re: Sandras e mail

Thanks guys

over 9 years ago
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