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Re: Next 87 days-fingers crossed

I'm hesitant in believing any major spending will be in Northern Ontario until Wynne looks after Toronto' s needs and wants. Her long term future as premier depends much more on pleasing the people that elected her ( Toronto ).
In any case I sure hope Ms. Wynne and the Libs. prove me wrong, and more money is spend on developing Northern Ontario this term , than was spent the last 2 Liberal terms.

almost 9 years ago
Re: we got some movement..

I agree Hawk, I also have that feeling that it wouldn't take much to get

us moving. maybe a bulldozer heading north out of Nakina would do it, lol

over 9 years ago
Sorry about the repost

somehow missed seeing it.

over 9 years ago
Government Stalling

New Ring of Fire report card gives Ottawa failing grade, urges immediate action

Exclusive: Ontario is still years away from building mines rich in chromite and other metals due to government stalling and red tape, yet there is a strong business case for moving ahead, says Ontario Chamber of Commerce.

Toronto-based Noront Resources Ltd. , which shared the Esker camp shown below with Cliffs Natural  Resources until last year, is the closest to developing its Eagle’s Nest deposit of high-grade nickel, copper, platinum and palladium. Rob Learn/North Bay Nipissing News

Toronto-based Noront Resources Ltd. , which shared the Esker camp shown below with Cliffs Natural Resources until last year, is the closest to developing its Eagle’s Nest deposit of high-grade nickel, copper, platinum and palladium. Rob Learn/North Bay Nipissing News

By: Lisa Wright Business Reporter, Published on Tue Mar 10 2015

Ontario’s Ring of Fire mineral belt is years away from being built despite an expected turnaround in metal prices and First Nations’ dire need for development of the far north, says the Ontario Chamber of Commerce.

“Despite its significant potential, we are no closer today than we were a year ago to realizing the benefits of the Ring of Fire,” says the new one-year report card obtained by The Star.

“After a year of delays, public and expert perception on the viability of the Ring of Fire as a sound economic investment has soured,” it says.

The site, 400 kilometres northeast of Thunder Bay, Ont., is estimated to have $60 billion of mineral value including base metals, platinum and palladium, along with North America’s largest deposit of chromite, which is used to make stainless steel.

The deposit is considered significant enough to sustain activity for a century.

Spread over 5,120 square kilometers, the area is expected to generate nearly $2 billion in tax revenues and up to 5,500 full-time jobs in the first 10 years of mining activity.

“There is still no infrastructure plan in place, there remains little agreement between the most important players, and delays in issuing exploration permits have stalled any potential development,” says the Chamber’s chief executive Allan O’Dette.

Toronto-based Noront Resources Ltd. is the closest to developing its Eagle’s Nest deposit of high-grade nickel, copper, platinum and palladium after U.S.-based Cliffs Natural Resources abandoned plans for a massive chromite mine in 2013.

Performance grades on the report card — which urges immediate action on the stalled Ring — ranged from two F’s, one D, three C’s and one B-minus one year after its first economic analysis on the Ring.

Grades were determined based on the input of over sixty experts from the mining, engineering, infrastructure, not-for-profit, and post-secondary sectors, and First Nations communities.

“We hope this Report Card is the catalyst for momentum for this once-in-a-generation economic opportunity. It is time to get to work,” adds O’Dette.


On the Chamber’s recommendation to accelerate development of the Ring of Fire:

Grade: F

“Despite its discovery seven years ago, Ontario is still years away from opening a first mine in the Ring of Fire. A lack of infrastructure and permitting delays have ground activity to a near halt.”

The Chamber urges opening a first mine to build momentum, saying mines that are furthest along in the permitting process, such as Noront Resources, should be the priority.

“Government can and should allow activities related to the development of mine operations,” it says, so long as they operate within the confines of a framework agreement reached last March with Matawa First Nations to advance opportunities for economically challenged local communities near the mineral zone.

  • On the recommendation to make the Ring of Fire a national priority:

  • Grade: F

    The federal government has yet to match Ontario funding of $1 billion that would show this massive economic development is on the front burner. The Chamber urges Ottawa to do so, and commit significant federal funds to transportation infrastructure, beyond the joint federal-provincial investment of $785,000 announced at this month’s prospectors’ convention to study the benefits of developing an all-season east-west corridor to access the Ring.

  • On the recommendation that the provincial government help mining firms break into the lucrative chromite market. Chromite is a key ingredient in stainless steel, used to make cutlery, kitchen sinks, medical instruments, bicycle chains, etc.:

  • Grade: D

    The Ontario government has no plan in place to help miners compete in the highly competitive global chromite market, yet Ontario could be the lowest-cost producer in the world if it develops the area. In the short term, the province and Ottawa should partner with the private sector to invest in innovative technologies that can reduce energy consumption in the production process.

  • On the recommendation that the Ontario government hammer out a development deal with First Nations groups in proximity to the Ring in the James Bay lowlands:

  • Grade: C

    There have been no public updates on negotiations since the province and Matawa First Nations announced a general regional framework agreement on March, 2014, the report notes. “It is unclear to anyone not involved with these talks whether progress has been made at the negotiating table,” it says, adding there needs to be more openness around this critical process.

    over 9 years ago
    Re: End of Feb 27th NOT sp predictions, all there is?

    Maybe Notforlong should loose 2 for instigating

    over 9 years ago
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