GregBailey's Profile

GregBailey's Posts

Re: Map or MMP? SEC filing

GreenArrays, Inc. has nothing to do with any of this. We do not receive any funds from patent licensing, either directly or indirectly. All of our funds have come from legitimate loans and sale of stock in addition to sales of tangible products we have created and of services assisting in the use of those products. Unlike an LLC with a single Member, GreenArrays is a C corporation managed by statutory officers reporting to a Board of Directors which reports to a fair number of stockholders. Chuck Moore is the chairman of our Board but our company is not involved in his dealings with Leckrone, TPL, Alliacense, PDS, PTSC, Dominion, or this new LLC. Even if Chuck wished to involve our company in all of that, he does not, in a C corporation, have the unilateral authority to do so.

It is true that GreenArrays was involved with some of these players for a while, but only because TPL forced us to do so by suing us as a cross defendant in Chuck's lawsuit. That matter has been settled for three and a half years now. Our involvement in the TPL BK was simply as a potential creditor because at the time the BK was filed the terms of the settlement had not yet been fully satisfied. It is also true that several of our people traveled to San Jose to attend a hearing in the TPL BK, but this was only because Chuck's lawyer had requested our support, and that won't likely be repeated.

Please, folks, cease speculating that GreenArrays is somehow involved when events in the saga of PTSC play out. We are in a completely different business, that of designing and selling microcomputer chips, than are any of these entities, and we neither wish nor plan for it to be otherwise.

As usual, I post this only because search engines lead people researching our company to Agoracom threads mentioning us and I have a duty to ensure that the information posted here regarding our company is accurate.

Best wishes to you all!

about 8 years ago
Re: TPL BK Pacers

It must be embarrasing for Mr. Hoge to find that he has sworn to believe he was alive and receiving letters a thousand years in the future.

Mike Davis is no johnny come lately, but is or was a hauncho at Alliacense; see case 110CV183613 on Santa Clara County superior court website.

over 8 years ago
Re: Is it illegal for Patriot

I have been informed that the third person on the PDS committee is an attorney named by PTSC, and that this has not been a secret.

The reason I was asking earlier about the Members of PDS is that based on my reading of the materials Delaware publishes, "Member" is a technical term when used with a Delaware LLC. In those terms I would expect that the Members of PDS would be PTSC the Corporation and TPL the LLC. When that website listed Leckrone and Johnson as the Members that sounded very wrong... and it probably is; that website would have no more way of learning who the Members (owners) of PDS are than we do, because as far as I can tell by reading those materials a Delaware LLC is not actually required to file or otherwise make public any information other than basically its name and the coordinates of its registered agent for process service.

Interesting things, Delaware LLCs.

over 9 years ago
Re: TPL BK Pacer

Folks, I believe I saw a paragraph while reading this board that listed leckrone and carl johnson as the Members of PDS, but cannot find that paragraph now. This would have been in last month or two. Does anyone remember it? Is there any way to search full text short of re-reading each message?

over 9 years ago
Re: No excitement for April 30?

Ron, does the announcement set any limitations on attending the virtual SHAM? Specifically, must one hold stock in order to log in and listen?

Thanks - Greg

over 9 years ago
Re: TPL BK Pacer

It seems very kind of the attorney for HSM Portfolio LLC and MCM Portfolio LLC to be looking out for the interests of VNS Portfolio LLC as well. How nice it must be to control a great number of "independent, separate" entities and speak through each of them. Institutionalized MPD, lol.

almost 10 years ago
Cheyenne, WY
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