Green Hornet's Profile

Green Hornet's Posts

Re: And bye bye bid

Green Hornet must have the runs.????

Only people that will have the runs will be Paul Parliament, Douglas Brooks, Richard Kaiser, Marty Wolfe and Julios Kosta.

almost 8 years ago
Re: .0002

Nothing is happening anytime soon. Sorry to bust anyone's bubble. I have another thing to take care of first, and that thing has become very personal.

almost 8 years ago

Patience and fortitude conquer all things.

about 9 years ago
Re: Shares need to be returned to restore investor confidence!

Bottom line is, I wouldn't underestimate Eagle, any entity that has 20-40 million dollars to throw into a gold mining project, I don't believe are stupid enough to give Pierre a single penny with a possible 10 BILLION O/S, and him pulling the reigns.

over 9 years ago
Re: No 2s available?

Now that's funny.

over 9 years ago
new BOD

I told everyone a while ago that I would come to pic's rescue. After all, I am his childhood Superhero.

over 9 years ago
Green Hornet
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