Grabbyhaze's Profile

Grabbyhaze's Posts

Re: WWF to issue update

Hey people, I'm all for levity, especially on this board. Maybe use a sports analogy rather than one that involves real people fighting for things that really matter.

.....Mike, I'm a Leafs fan so I'm used to them not showing up, but am I going to have to wait 40+ years for you to show? ( yeah yeah pretty lame, I'm sure you guys can do better )



over 13 years ago
Re: WWF to issue update

Hey Laugh it up posters. People are dying over there. THINK before you post.


over 13 years ago
Re: North Africa

Cheers from Aukland NZ.

Looks like it's (no) business as usual. Geez and I even made a trading wish at the fullmoon party on Koh Pangon 2 weeks ago. Oh well + 25 C is better than - 25.



over 13 years ago
Re: Happy trading.

Happy New Year fellow WWF travellers,

My wife and I are off to South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand for a couple of months.

I'm hoping that things might start happening here if I'm not watching. I know the Leafs do much better if I'm not watching the game.

Stay safe and healthy everyone. I will look forward to checking in when I get back.



over 13 years ago
Re: Done with this...

Hey Gumby,

I'm sorry to see that the boo birds have pushed you too far this time.

I still don't know why some posters here continue to belittle those who are only trying to keep the glass half full. If you think the glass is half empty or in your case(s) broken, why do you bother looking at this site, let alone posting your angry thoughts? I've said in the past that we are all guilty of purchasing this stock and it's our own fault if it fails.

But hell people... look at the times! When the WORLD recovers from the current economic meltdown, WWF will be way down the list of projects looking for financing. That's a fact Jack. All the rants, pro and con, won't change that.

If you still need an outlet for your anger, go chop wood, kick a ball around, head to an indoor range and crank out some golf balls, or whatever. Your anger and frustrations are warranted, but channel them into some activity that doesn't include bad mouthing your fellow travellers. You just might feel better.

As for you Gumby, like your avatar, I hope you can just bend and not break in this storm.



almost 14 years ago
Re: Romper Room and the Magic Mirror

Even though I didn't make the list, I'll give you a thumbs up.

I love the Romper Room reference. As I recall all the kids sitting on the floor were called Doobies. I've often had an image of those same kids 10 years later sitting around with doobies hanging off their lips.

Hoping this latest info spurt doesn't go up in smoke...

I remain


almost 14 years ago
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