GoldenDuck's Profile

I am a small private investor currently owning shares in the following PM "miners": PM Miners: Pan American Silver (PAAS) McEwen Mining (MUX) Silver Wheaton (SLW) Junior PM Exploration: Tyhee Gold Corp (TDC.V) Gold Bullion Development (GBB.V) Lexam VG Gold (LEX.TO)

GoldenDuck's Posts

Re: Ok Explain This

The problem is bigger than 2 million dollars. The problem is the 5 million dollar loan that will have to be repaid in a few months. I am sure that the board of Tyhee has an alternative plan how this will be done and hopefully a new deal will be presented before the loan is to be repaid. "Black and company" is far too smart to let this become an issue.

Correction to my last post:
It is possible that the final cost of this failed merger could be larger than the 2 million figure I wrote in my last post. There were likely additional costs associated with the merger on top of those I included in the figure. Some but not all of these costs can probably be seen as an investment in any further acquisition should it take place.

over 10 years ago
Re: Ok Explain This

The potential loss for Tyhee is more than 2 million dollars if Tyhee has to pay the breakup fee and if Santa Fe fails to repay the debt. The potential loss for Santa Fe could end up being a lot more. The Tyhee board or the financial backers obviously thought that the lawsuit could potentially cost us substantially more than 2 million dollars and in this situation calling of the marriage was the right thing to do. A failed marriage always hurts but sometimes it makes sense to cut the losses and run.

Tyhee attempted to make a quantum leap with an extremely good payout if it had succeeded. Tyhee would almost overnight become a producer with a positive cashflow. It was a fantastic deal and I am happy that they tried to make it even if it ends up costing us.

(The 2 million figure = Loan 1.75 million + breakup fee 0,3 million + - interest on both loan and breakup fee. Legal fees not included. )

over 10 years ago
Re: Please log in your guess for Tyhee's New Year Day 2013 share price

Hansix guess of 0.45 sounds great and I naturally hope that it will ultimately prove to be too low. I will however put my own guess somewhat lower at 0.125. The share price can really end the year anywhere between 0.05 and 0.50, depending on market conditions and news on financing. I just prefer to expect less and be positively surprised rather than the opposite.

Let us hope that Tyhee are allowed to stretch her legs a little bit and reach for the value she deserves. This is no pig with lipstick but rather a beautiful girl that desperately needed a bath. She have now had that bath, applied some tasteful makeup and a dressed herself for party. Perhaps one of the big guys will soon ask her for a dance or even a marriage.

Edit: I see now that scotrr3 were a little bit faster than me, sorry about that.

about 12 years ago
Yellowknife office?

I am just speculating here and perhaps I have missed something important but would it not make a lot of sense if they finally opens up a Yellowknife office and put Dr. Webb in it?

almost 13 years ago
Tyhee, dilution and Puplava

I do not understand this focus on what J.Puplava thinks about Tyhee. Surely no one would have thought that he would approve of this dilution. He as any other thinking shareholder of Tyhee, my self included, would see further dilution at this level as a very bad idea. Tyhee diluting by 25% is like I would sell 25% of my own shares. There is o way that I would sell any of my shares at this level. This company is worth so much more than the current share price. So again, J.Puplava just like any other shareholder disapproves of this dilution there is nothing strange in that and there is nothing strange in him talking about it on his radio show. I would to if I were him.

This does not mean that Tyhee is a bad investment. It may in fact be a brilliant investment. There are gold in the ground and there is a preliminary feasibility study available that indicate that it would become a profitable mine if a mine was built. Recent drilling has increased the gold zones even further and there is a very high possibility that there are much more gold to be found on the properties.

All this can today be bought for less than 10 cents Canadian per share. As an old investor in this company I cry like a baby but as an investor with cash to invest I drool. I drool because I see a future with a much higher share price and perhaps some days even a producing mine. This however will probably require more dilutions, hopefully on much higher levels. I still hope that Tyhee can become a producer with 500 million shares outstanding but it will not happen if its shareholders concentrate on what other shareholders are thinking rather than on the facts as they stand today.

The fact is that this share is cheap at this price. It might become even cheaper but it might also rise sharply from this point. Anyone is free to sell his or her holdings but if you do that then you are doing just what you are criticizing Webb for doing. Selling shares of Tyhee for a far to low price. If you think the price is to low and if you have some free cash then do your own mini PP by increasing your holding through the stock market. This will not dilute anyone and it will not help finance the company but at least you will feel good for owning a little bit bigger part of a possible future gold producer.

Go Tyhee!

(Writer is long Tyhee and has recently added more to his holdings. Always do your own DD before making any investment decisions. Never trust unknown people in an internet forum. Never invest more than you can afford to lose.)

almost 14 years ago
Re: Has anyone added

I also have doubled my holdings during this sale and are now holding more shares than I thought I ever would. I am comfortably seated on the Tyhee train waiting for its departure.

almost 14 years ago
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