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GoWest's Posts

Re: 43-101 - to PDAC or not to PDAC that is not such a big deal...

Golden Hope has a tipping point, and unless we prove up enough resources, our share price WILL drop to zero.

If we pass this point, I'll start buying again, because any gold found afterwords is gravy!

GL(and gravy gold)TA


over 12 years ago
Re: Definitely halt-worthy ...BS ??? ...up to a buk ??

Wow, and I was in the middle of my hibernation.

Maybe now I can afford two tickets to Florida, so that I can stay awake right 'till spring!


almost 13 years ago
Re: Definitely halt-worthy ...BS ??? ...up to a buk ??

Wow, and I was in the middle of my hibernation.

Maybe now I can afford two tickets to Florida, so that I can stay awake right 'till spring!


almost 13 years ago
Re: As For Peggy.........

Did you guys see Cops last night?

The good guys took so long to get their paperwork striaght, that by the time they finally broke down the door of the drug dealers house there was nothing left inside...great stuff!

btw, Peggy is still getting big bucks as a consultant to CMM........gotta love it!


about 13 years ago
Relax, things are going according to plan.

You Guys are being much too critical of Daniel Major and our Regulators.

The fact is, Daniel Major is doing a great job at what he was hired to do.....if he weren't, he would have resigned or been replaced by now, In fact, he is doing so well, he had enough time on his hands to get another job, funny coincidence, his buddy Max is also a director at the very same company, (great to see them taking such good care of each other). Why would he take on another responsibility unless he had a lot of free time on his hands, or maybe he just isn't earning enough to feed his family from what he earns at CMM, the job can't pay too much when you consider the company is losing tens of millions in value every month since he started. I shudder to think of where we would be if he didn't show up, and it took so long to find a man with his abilities, amazingly, Max had worked with him before. Sometimes you find just what you're looking for, right in front of your nose.

I certainly couldn't do Daniel Majors job, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night, and I would be too busy looking over my shoulder during the day. As for our regulators, forget their bad reputation and poor history of results, there's a whole bunch of new people working there now, the reason that they do not reply to emails is because they are way too busy prosecuting bad guys and investigating complaints. So rest easy guys, we're winning the battle.

Hats off to the CSC for doing such a great job.


about 13 years ago
"Not eligible to vote"

Because of my original request to have all investor related information mailed to me, which I gather is held up by the postal strike, RBC and Computershare have both told me that I am not eligible to vote, and Computershare cannot generate a control number for me but refer me back to RBC, who refer me back to Computershare....round and round we go....wasted an hour already on this. So in my case..................................

Russia 1

Canada 0



about 13 years ago
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