GoGreenn's Profile

GoGreenn's Posts

Re: Another article about Paradise IPO

Which part of your wishful thinking makes you think that LGDI doesn't go completely bust, even if they do raise the 20 million successfully? They raised over 140 million US dollars+ in total from the end of 2007 to mid 2008 and did nothing but spend all the money and had to take a 7 million dollar loan just to get by a few more months. 20 million wont even last a year at best. If they could not ship, or better yet, if they chose not to ship back then why world would they ship now with no money, no more partners, and pending lawsuits? I wish I wish I saw this coming instead of being a wishful thinker like yourself, unfortunately it only became clear to me in hindsight and snapped on yahoo board was corect all along we just were a bunch of morans and I believe that is allegations on BIG POS and PHOSPHATE KING are insiders who in the right mind pumps a stock from $5 while its falling and falling and now trading at .08 is still talking the same game????? And encourages people to chat here and not on YAHOO... why not? I think because the yahoo message board google picks up those words in in its search engine. Snapped you should win a reward for calling this a scam 2000% higher then we are now, the only think that sucks for new suckers when they google "gutnick" non of your tamely posts on yahoo come up because you always spelled his name "gutnik"

almost 12 years ago
LGDI time to sue before they use up the 20 million bec then its over over over

I recall over the last 2 years some posts of people stating here that they saved emails and documents that PROVE we shareholders were lied to, mislead, and even more.... If anyone has anything they can help me with to provide any such documents, emails or even just obvious public records that proves this it will help me save some money this way I can provide it on a silver platter to my my lawyers or if you want to get involved as well please do... I just opened a new email just for this. Please email all to LGDIJustice@gmail.com

about 12 years ago
How many are still long in the hoping and praying stage?

With all this buzz about the australlian IPO I thought it would get some spike in pps and volume if their was any risk appetite, I guess not..:(

about 12 years ago
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