Gbj4363's Profile

Gbj4363's Posts

Re: Back to the table

At the last meeting in Calgary I presented this idea to Elmer and he said in his opinion Teck would buy us out and sell controlling interest to whomever, keeping a minority interest but run the mine as it is in their backyard. This would generate the cash as you clculated plus some and they should almost get their share of building costs covered and end up with a minority share of a mine for free. 20/1 would be heaven.

about 8 years ago
Re: warrants??

They must have relaxed the rules as Lynn put me down on the spreadsheet for 20,000 shares. All I had to do was commit before June 30 and in my case deliver a cheque to the office as I live in Calgary. I am a pensioned firefighter so its a no brainer that I wouln't qualify as an accredited investor.

over 8 years ago
Re: warrants??

I am not a very knowledgible investor so might be missing the significance of the new stock/warrent release and accredited investor. Can you explain.

Phoned Lynn and it is easy to buy in, just have to set up a new investment account as all I have is a TFSA and it is full. 20,000 shares and 20,000 warrants for $2400.00 might be a way of averaging down the some of my stupider purchases. What do you think?

over 8 years ago

I said my first post was a one time thing but Agoracom wouldn't let me do a PM - apparently I am not authorized so here goes.

-Went early and had 20 minutes of private time with Elmer.

-We are out of money in 3-4 months so dilution is inevitable. No consolidation or going to the money lenders. He acted very confident that EE was on board and and EE did not correct him.

-Did not correct me when I said that Teck seems very uninterested in making it happen anytime soon. Forced him to speculate on possible scenarios and he said ( hypothetically ) that he expected a major to do a deal for 60% of project but let Teck be the operator. He did say that Tech never speculates and that if they do a deal he will hear about the same way we will. Mentioned a lot of companies but I got the impression he liked Glencore. Did say that he expects Teck to publish report ( optimization I think ) by end of year but if they don't CF will ask for data and do it themselves.

-He suggested that Van Dyke might be our first play and that a possible scenario would be us selling 50% for 20 million ( that is not a hard number ). Bet they don't hand out dividends this time

-Copper Fox staff are now running everything important at Carmax. Carmax might be bigger than Schaft Creek.

-We are off the power grid for savings.

-Doesn't answer questions with a yes or no but rambles on. I suspect that is the salesman in him.

Says that he has numerous phone calls from companies doing what he calls kicking the tires. One suprising thing was that we have a guy in Toronto marketing us and that he doesn't get paid unless there is a sale.

over 8 years ago
Re: when is the agm?

Your shareholder packet should of had the info. Thursday, May 26 at 10:00 AM at Hotel Arts on 12 Ave SW. New venue.

I will attend again even though I expect nothing new or interesting. Free cookie and coffee, Elmer will recycle the same slide show presentation, quick vote to reinstate the same board of directors ( unless EE changes his mind ) Don't expect any hard questions to be asked because our lawyer will eviscerate you before you are finished talking ( ie- dilution ). 40 minutes - go home.

Long long long time investor, longtime time lurker on this board, first time poster. Been here long enough to know the scrutiny the thought police put you through if you post anything negative on this site. Bought my first batch of stock shortly after CUU bought out the failed company to get their slot on TSX. Bought at .08, sold at .25, rethought my decision and bought back in at .40 and more at .90, 1.20. Nobody is more aware than I, that I am a greedy, greedy ass for not selling at 2.75 but the pumpers on this board were talking 7.00 stock and I believed. My responsibility. This board attacks people that rein in the cheerleading and I think it should be the opposite. A little dose of reality and honesty might have saved me from myself. Ban Vette, Webgogs, Foxy/Always instead.

When someone shows you their character by their behaviour you should believe them. Teck has consistantly moved CUU to the very bottom of their priority list and I am starting to believe that I will be dead before we have a mine. If Teck was looking for a partner they would be talking up the district, driving up the stock price and so when they buy us out and then turn around and sell 49 % , they would pocket enough cash to build their half of the mine for free. To steal a line from somebody on this board " they would put some lipstick on this pig "

If they go by themselves in 10 years it will be a different strategy. Death to the next person that says we will do great because Teck has a rep for treating juniors fairly. They will grind EE to the lowest price he can tolerate.

For you conspiracy guys, no one is driving the stock down to pick up shares. I have never had trouble getting shares in 8 years. Who wants them - because everthing else is doing better. That is until I sell of course which will obviuosly trigger a price rally. My kids get these stocks in my will.

Unlike Always I will not reply to criticism and intend to go dark again ( for real )

Never figured out what GTLA means

over 8 years ago
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