Garth's Profile

Garth's Posts

Re: Concrete Market

Just to put things into context, with the current fully diluted share count of 70.1M, a $40 buyout would value us at 2.8 billion dollars (US)

almost 8 years ago
Re: Hit the ask or you get nada!

Someone wants shares and doesn't want to wait

almost 8 years ago

By chance did they mention any revenue/cost per ton for graphene?

almost 8 years ago
Re: Fluffy has a wonderful nose!

As a non-technical trader, would you mind enlightening me on this term? I've heard it tossed about fairly often and i've read the general defintions, but is there any price range guesstimates that can be made is the pattern continues?

almost 8 years ago
Re: Trip down memory lane...that is still close to reality today

I'd love to know when you think we'll be bought out, and for how much; personally i'm between the 12-15 dollar a share camp.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Got this email from ZEN IR...


I like to view zenyatta going into production as an absolute limit on when i'll finally get my pay day. The ideal situation is that we'll be aquired within the 1-2 billion dollar range at some point in the near future, but worst case scenario at some point Zenyatta will go from "pretending to be a mining company" to saying "Fuck it, we're a mining company" if a buyout doesn't materialize. As shareholders we have an ownership stake in a plot of land at the moment, and while a buyout would be greatly preferable, a worst case scenario would be A. we aren't aquired and are unable to raise the funds to produce the mine. B. we are able to raise the funds to build a mine, but have to wait till 2020ish.


about 8 years ago
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