GWhatesmidgets's Profile

GWhatesmidgets's Posts

Re: staying alive

Fung is a genius.

almost 8 years ago
Who wants to be out over the weekend?

This coiled spring just keeps getting wound tighter and tighter....

almost 9 years ago
Mensa Society

Fung is a genius!

about 9 years ago
Re: We can prevent Fung's grab of the 18%

I have contacted one of the premier bankruptcy attorneys in Canada who is with one of the largest law firms in the world with over 3,000 attorneys and he has indicated a preliminary willingness to represnt us.

No need for us @$$ raped bagholders to pay a high priced attorney to represent our interests against corrupt CRY "management". NoBear will be representing us at no cost and BOSS KENT will personally pilot the Venezuelan oil tankers into port to ensure that the ISCID claim is paid in full.

over 9 years ago
Re: FYI GRZ Folk.

That article is proof that superior (and honest) management can make the best of a bad situation for shareholders. CRY management waited too long to take action against Venezuela and burned up the cash war chest required to finance the legal process. Not to worry...after making this fundamental strategic blunder Fung and company kept their faces in the trough by stealing shareholder equity. Jim Cramer was correct in his parting shot referring to Fung and company: "fool me once shame on you....fool me twice shame on me....fool me three times....???"

almost 10 years ago

Anyone hear how CITIC is progressing on the mine construction at Las Cristinas?

Famous Last Words: "They can't expropriate Las Cristinas...they already own it"

almost 10 years ago
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