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about 13 years ago

Thanks again for your time and effort for that interview. Would it be out of place to follow up with a question about clarification of dates?


about 13 years ago
Re: The Good News.

Well if they had the drill results ready to go, they would have to release them. I would figure the reason they have not released anything yet is the drill results received or pending are incomplete. Most likely because the "third Party" analysis is back logged. They tell Victoria, you will have them next week, they drop the ball and don’t deliver, and John McConnell looks like he’s talking out his ass. It only takes a few hours to write up a press release and plug in some numbers once they have them all.

We will get a release very soon, and then most likely a series of other reports working all the way to the resource revision in the forth quarter. I really miss Chad Williams, he seemed to have a better grasp on the whole PR thing.

Even with all the market turmoil over the past week, it’s really had no effect on the fundamentals of Victoria. Yes the price of gold will help out in the long run, but we are way below market value at $1200 gold, forget $1700 gold. Once the majors start to close the price/gold gap, the juniors will move along very quickly.


about 13 years ago
The Good News.

Volume Was Good Today. (I'm Trying To Be Positive)


about 13 years ago
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