GOLDBUGR's Profile


Loss by Andy


How I sympathize with your loss, anger, frustration, depression ... because I too feel all that. It has been a long and twisted road and the end is such a sad end. I was there from the very start and was filled with such hope. Along with this was a belief that Gold would prevail in the world as the new base for currency. I was wrong, and rode this horse way too far, because of emotional attachment, personal beliefs and greed. I also had a view that San Gold was good for Bissett and many workers.

Looking back I can see all kinds of signs and warnings but that is old news. The mine is still there and what Gold is left is still there, but we are not there as shareholders. For all, that is sad.

about 9 years ago
G.G. Phone #

Greg's phone # which he swore he would answer within 24 hours for SGR's Gold detail and any News re: SGR's Future:



over 9 years ago
Re: Will anyone buy San Gold and a couple questions


I understand your anger and confusion, for it is what I and so many feel. What to do with SGR shares is tough. But if they can be sold for a pittance it does mean somebody still has hope, and the little bit one can get is hardly worth the effort. That said, what will happen to the Mine and the shares is unknown. It is a truly sad end, as it stands. The gold is still there and a better, more reasonable price might get it out. But that is not now.

If you shifted shares into a TFSA it might be an idea for some of them at least. But I understand and feel your pain.


over 9 years ago
New Low

One Cent!!!

Just when you think this (SGR) can't get worse it does, a new low of 1 cent. How much lower can it go? Oh wait, I know ... it could drop to half its value -which is 0. But what a buy you say. Well maybe; or maybe that's what it is worth.

I remember Gibson saying something like by the end of March we would post our first profit. Well, we're into April, and April has been said to be 'the cruelest month' ... and Eliot did not even own SGR.


over 9 years ago
One Penny!!!


One Penny!!! It gets easier and easier to double!!!!

It's easy to see why this kind of thinking has got me in so much SGR trouble.


over 9 years ago
New Trading

Monday is the first day of the rest of life foe SGR. It is trading again! It will be interesting to watch. And where it closed (4 cents!) it won't take much to double.

May we be blessed with interesting times.


over 9 years ago
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