GKRichard's Profile

GKRichard's Posts

Re: I think its reasonable to say IMO

A $2B+ market cap? Really? That's absurd.

There's wishful thinking and then there's detachment from reality. $1.5 is extremely wishful thinking. $5.5 will happen when Gumdrop Business Machines and Unicorn Computing sign licenses.

over 12 years ago
Re: Come on now, guys.....


This is what always happens with PTSC after a brief runup. Interest dies and there is no buying support to maintain the run-up price. No surprise here and it will continue to drift down again as usual barring any new news.

over 12 years ago
Re: Royalties!?!?!?!?!//...

If you read my response, maybe you'll notice (to use your phrase) that I said that there were no monthly royalties in an attempt to answer the question you quote (and yes, I recognized it as a question) and to argue against the implications of his immediate follow up of:

"If so, the implications could be HUGE for the shareprice; predictive revenues, guidance, etc."

In brief:

Hemdog: Are we collecting monthy royalties? If we are, it's huge!

Me: There is nothing to indicate that PTSC is collecting monthly royalties.

Thanks for the grammar lesson, though. Hope you're having a great day too.

over 12 years ago
Re: hemdog / Re: Royalties!?Licesne have yearly Maintence fee

That's a software contract. It includes maintenance. It's not a patent license.

over 12 years ago
Re: Royalties!?!?!?!?!//...

Hemdog didn't say "monthly royalties from the infringing community." You did. Maybe it is semi-annual, per quarter ????

Yes he did. Read it youurself.


posted on Jan 18, 12 01:30PM

Per Wolf's PACER from last night, please see below. Are we FINALLY collecting monthly Royalties from the infringing community?

If so, the implications could be HUGE for the shareprice; predictive revenues, guidance, etc.

over 12 years ago
Re: Royalties!?!?!?!?!

Nowhere in that statement is there an idication of "monthly royalties from the infringing community."

It's important to read what is actually stated, not what you would like to see.

over 12 years ago
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