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Re: St Elias quiz

Mineralfields was owned by Joe Dwek. OSC accusations below.

As part of the settlement, Dwek agreed to a $200,000 voluntary payment to the OSC, pay $25,000 in costs, and submit to a three-year registration ban, among other terms.

The firms are no longer in business. Their assets were acquired by Marquest Asset Management Inc. in October 2012.


about 10 years ago
Re: St Elias quiz

The only common link I could come up re: Prime and companies he was involved with was Mineralfields. I believe most of the companies had FTS through them. SLI and Slam included.

about 10 years ago
Re: St Elias quiz

This is the only ref. left that I could find related to SLI.


There are links to pages like, The Primed Report, Buy/sell/hold, Feedbackrequest, Researcharticles, Uncategorized, Sonomax, and Agoracom Reinstated Myaccount..

ContentSome of the 40 pages on the site, include, "The Primed Report," "St. Elias Mines – (SLI) – How do we know there is gold at," and "St. Elias Mines – (SLI) – Discovering the value of St. Elias."


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about 10 years ago
Re: St Elias quiz

This is the web address


about 10 years ago
Re: St Elias quiz

I am a lay person also. Hammerin nails here. You asked how they would know without insider info. They can tell. They do not need insider info.They have the tools just like me to get the job done. Think of it this way. You have a squeek in your car. You can not find it anywhere. You take it into the mech. and he says in one second , it is such and such. A mech. has seen and heard it before. They can tell by years of experience and knowledge what the problem is. Same as an investment pro.They have the tools ,seen and heard it all before.

Here is an example. Coalspur. A year or so ago a buddy asked me what I thought of the new mine for Hinton. I had worked in Hinton before.His son who works there now said everyone here is buying shares saying it was going to be bigger that Teck etc. He should buy also.

I proceeded to ask a couple of guys I knew from hockey days, who are stockbrokers, about Coalspur. They said stay away. Too much risk. I then went and phoned a buddy who works in the coal bus. as a surveyor . He said ,stay away from it. will not fly. Too much risk.

I then went back and told the guy who was going to buy the shares about what the pro's were saying. He said thank you and proceeded to tell me that he thinks his son was right and this thing was a done deal. So he toddled off to the bank.He bought shares at 1.06. They are at .06 now, a year and half later.Project on hold.He is choked as well as his son and half of Hinton.The pro's had seen it all before.

about 10 years ago
Re: St Elias quiz

If by "they" you mean the banks, RBC, I think they understand already. What did the banks do? The banks let the average Joe, with no prior knowledge or education regarding stocks buy and sell stocks on-line. Everyone became an expert over night..Markets were down, their stockbroker wasn't making much money for them, so they got an online account through the bank etc. followed blogs on-line and bought and lost like crazy. What a hay day for the juniors and banks. Flashy ads and blogs and a few well placed pumper blog teams and it was a done deal. "This is the next Barrick"!!!! or "buy-out coming" Wish I had a dollar for every time I heard that.

The reality is that good people thought they were smarter than they really were and the banks etc. gladly took their money each time they bought and sold. Is/was it fair? Probably not, but who signed the waiver etc., who bought/sold the stocks? In the end, no matter what the theories, Joe had to sign and give his/her approval. There are alot of people who understand Sculpin, the question is do you?

about 10 years ago
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