Fieldstone's Profile

Fieldstone's Posts

Re: ~Happy Valentines Day....~

Whow. Show stopper. That's called putting things into perspective.

over 11 years ago
Re: Beach party, I'm game.

The quiet suspense of this suspension is tough to handle.

I for one will not be joining the beach party. My preference is to walk the beach with my gal, kick up the sand a bit and collect those shells. That's the old timer in me showing the age and how long I've owned these stocks for perhaps.

I do appreciate the professionalism and the wisdom of you all.

Thank you kindly.

over 11 years ago
Re: wild non-action today

Maybe more individuals watching the board then you know. Keep it positive, too much negative talk on the CCAA situation. IMO

over 11 years ago
Re: more action bid/ask today

Maybe RSP season. Individuals have $ at their disposal for a long shot.

over 11 years ago
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