Felix32's Profile

Felix32's Posts

Re: GRZ Decision hopefully will help us.

Hmmm... what about that $20 million SAG mill that GRZ is still trying to sell. And let's not forget about all those signed letters of compliance that GRZ received from VZ officials -- one of which is actually dated AFTER their permit was recinded. I'm sure the ICSID judges had a good laugh about that one.

over 10 years ago
Re: ICSID Update and suspension.

Venezuela wants to disqualify their own arbitrator?

almost 11 years ago
Re: VZ seeks rapprochement with IMF

If there's any truth to this article, then VZ must be approaching a very serious crisis -- probably the end of the so-called Bolivarian Revolution.

The IMF will impose very strict conditions on any loans. I'm sure they would not take kindly to VZ refusing to pay any ICSID awards.

about 11 years ago

I don't know what advantage there would be in bifurcating the case; perhaps no_bear or someone else can comment. I do know that Gold Reserve did not bifurcate their case, so an award (if any) should be announced with the ruling. Seems reasonable for the Crystallex case to follow GRZ's format. They both seem much simpler than this Conoco case.

about 11 years ago
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