Extraly1's Profile

Extraly1's Posts

Is this really a bad thing?

Yes, I would have much rather seen the permit come through and with the Chineese involved I really thought it would happen. Having said that I have to wonder if this latest move by Ven. is really a bad thing for us.

At least we can now move forward instead of waiting in limbo like we have been. Everything I read says that we have a 'slam dunk' case in arbitration which should see us get a pay off of at least $2 Billion which will put the stock somewhere north of $3/share. Sure it means waiting another 2-3 more years which isn't a plesant thought but at least we now have a set time for final resolution which is better than waiting indefinately in limbo IMO.

What am I missing?

over 13 years ago
Re: link to VHeadline please

oldFool wrote: "Eric-- get back to work son."

Don't you have a bourbon to drink?

over 13 years ago
Re: link to VHeadline please

Did you really have to insult that bear by associating him with that web site???

over 13 years ago
Re: link to VHeadline please

Lets face it ... if it's something negative then that rag will have it first. Otherwise you won't hear a peep out of him.

over 13 years ago
Re: Who Knows What

"The fact that, as you accurately point out, VZ will not tell KRY what is really going on is, in my opinion, a NEGATIVE fact. The fact that the company has led stockholders in the past to believe we are on the verge of mining, and the fact that this never happens for reasons that are unknown or unclear, are, in my opinions NEGATIVE facts. The fact that the company arguably keeps missing deadlines is a NEGATIVE fact."

That VZ will not tell KRY what is really going on is a negative way of saying that we, as stockholders, have not been given as much information as we would like ... your preception of that information (or lack there of) is negative.

At varioius times the company has cleary believed that they were close to getting a permit but they were wrong. That is a fact and you can say it is negative becauase they were wrong or you can say it is not a negative because they are still trying and haven't been thrown out of VZ like some companies have. Once again .. preception.

The company missing deadlines is a fact ... that it is a negative thing is your preception. Again, the fact that new deadlines get set can be preceived as a positive because the company is still an active participant in this process.

Maybe I'm just a "glass 1/2 full" kind of a guy but as long as we have the back-up of going to arbitration I'm satisfied waiting until the deal gets done. Of course I'd rather have the permit and JV to be completed by the end of today but that isn't going to happen so I'll just wait ... how ever long that takes.

If we miss the April arbitration deadline and no longer have that as a solid back-up then my preception of that event will be that it is negative. Of course if we were subsequently to get the deal done in May then how negative would it have truly been? In that case my preception would have been wrong and missing the deadline would NOT have been negative at all.

over 13 years ago
Is it just me?

Is it just me or does it seem like someone is trying to keep this stock below .40? Every time it goes over it comes right back down.

I'm new to the Stockmarket and to this site so I'm just trying to figure out what is happening and why. I keep hearing about these 'market makers' and wonder if they just decided for some reason that it was time for the stock to move from .28 to .40. If it is true that they are the ones keeping it down then this seems like a good sign that the stock goes to their 'high limit' so fast.

I don't know ... these market makers seem a bit 'urban legend' to me but, like I said, I'm new to this whole game and just trying to learn.

Either way it dosen't matter ... getting out now seems foolish to me when everything I read says this company is worth at least .60-.75/share even if they get nothing out of their contract with Venezuela and as I understand it the arbitration system will get the stock to atleast 1.50-2.00 minimum ... probably more. Hopefully we get the contract though and who knows how high it will go then ... $5.50, $6.50, $10, $13 ... I hear a lot of different opinons.

over 15 years ago
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