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Got some stocks... Made some dough... Been hooked ever since. It beats the ...Bolonga...out of working for a living... Now it's just a different kind of work...

EodWay's Posts

a down and dirty way to estimate how much tonnage the deposit contains

I said some time ago that I expect the next resource estimate to hold over 20M ozs PGMs. Allow me to say how I came to that number. By no means is this going to be an exact number, it’s not meant to be. It is a down and dirty way to estimate how much tonnage the deposit contains that can be done in about 10min so even the average investor can follow along. Go to the below page and count all the blocks depth X width X the Specific Gravity that I will assume is 3.1 then X that by the length until the next cross section (On the last cross section I used 350M that I think is a safe estimate that the qualified person will use). While the deposit should be averaged between two cross sections the deposit generally gets wider the more east you go and I think this is a SWAG that will get us in the ball park +- 20%.


300 X 100 X 3.1 X 400= 37.2M TONNS

200 X 250 X 3.1 X 280= 43.4M

400 x 500 x 3.1 x 425= 263.5M

400 X 450 X 3.1 X 200= 111.6M

600 X 600 X 3.1 X 100= 111.6M

700 X 500 X 3.1 X 225= 244.125M

400 X 500 X 3.1 X 100= 62M

578, 700
500 X 400 X 3.1 X 350=217M

Add up the totals and you get 1,090,425,000 tons. To stay conservative lets take 20% off the tonnage and call it an even 870 MT

Now take the following grades that were used in the last PEA that used a cut off of .22% NiEq Pt .38, Pd .33, .16 and add them together to get the total PGM content plus gold of .87 g/t. We will ignore the other PGEs at this point even though it will be included in the resource estimate. We get 756,900,000 grams / 31.1 (grams per troy oz) = 24,337,620 OZS PGMs+ Au. Now say we only recover 70% of that and we get over 17 million OZS PGMs+ Au.

The Ni and Cu will pay for all the mining costs so at the end of the mine life the profit should be very significant. Say the average price of the PGMs that are recovered is $800/ PGM oz and you get $13,629,067,524.

Any thoughts on why WG is still so cheap and why the market has not figured this out?

over 10 years ago
Re: And there she goes

Cry me a river.

I will be PLEASED to buy em off you on Friday at the going rate. lol

over 10 years ago
Re: And there she goes

Again show me one company... JUST ONE. That uses the words pleased and did NOT get thrown out with the bath water. Just ONE!

If you can't see that Wellgreen is being advanced regardless of the SP sell me your shares next week and move on.

In the past 3 months we identified over 200M tonns that was previously thought of as waste rock that is inside the pit. Not only that but it is higher grade than the average of the deposit.

That's good news to me! Maybe you are stuck on the SP and that's fine I am too but I see the silver lining. 99.5% of the resource stocks are down. At least we are down on good news.

over 10 years ago
Re: And there she goes

Show me a company that does not use the word "pleased" because by your logic the stock would be up right?

Every company I know about uses that phrase.

If you want to see real pain look at PAL, REE or ITH.TO.

WG is holding up rather well and the big seller is JL. I know this to be fact. If he didn't crush the rally WG would be trading upwards of $1-2

over 10 years ago
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