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ElectricFN's Posts

ANALysts "working" conference hard to find ANY negatives.

These pips have no shame lol.


about 11 years ago
Don't worry about Chinese partner boys and girls.

I have seen the spin posted on Yazoo where experienced poster

bashed Al for talking to Chinese.... The emphasys was made on

"So Chinese partner is the main partner????"

After listening to BoA conference - twice - it's clearly a well placed

manipulation. Al WAS ASKED about ex-US - this is where he brought

that Chinese partner. He then confirmed that Mannkind did NOT

go further in negotiating that posibility.

Done. Closed. But never on MBs LOL. With a well-intentioned SPIN.

Double-digits. Goodbye.


over 11 years ago
Re: Have you ever wondered...

The "sky-is-falling" AF, I stopped reading his spews loooong time ago.

Don't click.

Don't feed.


Ignore. Let them spew. F them.

He will change his bought and sold opinion closer to the finish line.

Then he will conservatively congratulate those who he tried to break.

Run to your momma, AF puss...


over 11 years ago
Re: Oral Insulin – Will it offer the cost reductions some believe?

And not a word about Biodel ?

Media is captured or what ?

Mention Afrezza once, and Exubera failure is mentioned almost immediately in the

next sentence lol.

But read about some far-behind oral insulin like Oramed and no writer can remember Biodel...

Wow. Captured. Fully. I wonder what else we hear is....


over 11 years ago
Re: Why Adam Feurstein Is A Moron

Lol I love this article. Pacard rocks.

For my taste he could have ended it with the title line - just remove why.


over 11 years ago
Study 009.

009 Afrezza arm inhaled 90 seconds before food intake.

009 rapid insulin arm injected at least 15 minutes before intake...

Think about this for a second. Lol.

"versus placebo"??? Nope... keep that "takwaway" for yourself, Brian.


over 11 years ago
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