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ElPrimero's Posts

QMX Gold New Two Year+ High

QMX.V closed at $0.14 today, up two cents. We are new recent owners of the shares at $0.10.

almost 8 years ago
The golden opportunity,

buying into Dave's Probe Metals. Gold and the PM share market will bounce around but the most important constant is that day by day Mr. Palmer is leading us all to the promised land. There is no question to my mind that he isn't the most brilliant mining man with an unparalleled nose for locating the precious metal.

almost 8 years ago
Re: More Land

Good luck to all the nay-sayers who are voting against two brilliant men, David Palmer and Martin Armstrong. Dave is the one with an excellent record in finding gold and Martin knows the gold market. Martin is on record for predicting $5,000 gold in the very near future. Anyone want to guess what Probe's shares will be worth if Mr. Armstrong is right as he has been so frquently on gold? Sure Martin still maintains gold could get weaker over the short term but how about tomorrow? I've got patience and I continue to buy for tomorrow.

almost 8 years ago
Just a short term breather

The over-subscription by four times of the recent secondary brought many first time buyers of our shares to the market and created an exhaustive move which was followed by sellers taking profits. The previous two monthly run-ups were not quite so robustly fueled as this last one.

Previously, the two run-ups took about a month or so to steady supplied by declining prices. We are already into our third week of the price backoff from the recent all-time high. The share price may take in the excess of a month to steady but not by much more IMO.

I've been adding to my position on falling prices for the past two days, none today. If this phase continues lower, I'll continue to add.

The company's shares are in a bull market and declines are meant to be bought.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Silent board

Hey Neophyte

I would say you have a good handle on the future of this rising star. Someone, for some reason needs to keep buying the Probe. Martin Armstrong had said that gold starts a maor move this coming January. If true, this will light a bigger fire under the shares. My view is you either own it or you will miss the choo choo money train.

How long, really, was the Dave Palmer secret going to be kept from the market? The senior gold's don't have enough money to pay Dave what he is worth. So, he makes the majority of what he's worth on options, he's entitled. Jiust figure out how much money he made the Probe Mines' shareholders and it looks like it will continue with this one, again.

Still waiting again for the anomymous sellers so more discounted values on the shares can be purchased from them.

about 8 years ago
Re: Probe making new highs

Thanks Neophyte but I was feeling some more sideways action and then another run as opposed to the sooner push from the last one. I've mentioned this before, people are waking up to Dave's outstanding abilities and want part of his action via this company.

about 8 years ago
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