Edig_Auggie's Profile

Edig_Auggie's Posts

Re: Tried the Amazon Echo dot "puck"

I have one and I like it, the first one started repeating itself and went scitzo so I had it replaced. A second one arrives tomorrow for the GF office.

almost 8 years ago
General market question

Can someone try to explain why the Dow was down 900 points about midnight and it is currently up 250? I can't logically wrap my head around that.


almost 8 years ago
Re: LAN - D Something edig

WIFI is not a server, it is network traffic cop transmitting packets. Ususally only a web server for administration of radio, firewall and security. It would be a stretch to call a WIFI router a server but maybe the lawyers could do it. LOL

about 8 years ago
Re: direct defendant?

I preordered one of those for $50 bucks yesterday, they start shipping on Oct 20th. That makes me an indirect infringer. LOL

The entire Echo line of products, and the associated supportive devices, are probably infringing in my opinion.

about 8 years ago
Re: Revenue increased 3 million per month to over 8 million per year

How can a CFO increase value unless he has capital to work with? That question keeps running through my head.

about 8 years ago
Re: Russell H. Packer Joins eDigital Board of Directors

I like the sound of this very much... thanks

about 8 years ago
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