EBERLE14's Profile

EBERLE14's Posts

Re: maybe this is good?

maybe those two were the reason for the shi**y release, maybe getting them out is a good thing?

Pretty slim chance the 2 dirt sniffers were the reason for the poor release. Based on the insider selling, I do not believe those 2 gentlemen believed in this play or had sufficient intel to influence them into selling their shares/options every chance they could.

I think Lori's LACK OF EXPERIENCE in business in general is the reason this has been handled the was it has. If you ever had the pleasure of watching the Forbe's interview you would understand she does not have the business acumen required to be the president of a publicly traded company let alone a "world class gold discovery" in my humble opinion.

We seek safe harbour?


over 12 years ago
Re: Murray is busy

Murray used to call me back as well, that dried up over a month ago.

Must be real busy.


over 12 years ago
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