EAF69's Profile

Live in Northern Alberta last 9 years. Share holder for nearly 3 years. Long on Poet.

EAF69's Posts

Re: Fort McMurray Update

The June 4th date would have worked nicely into my schedule I was also looking forward to the opportunity to meet another Poet shareholder. Unfortunately, I am unable to make it on May 29th.

Good luck on the fundraising efforts!


over 8 years ago
Re: Fort McMurray

Thanks for your response Griz.

Is this fund raiser at the Grouse Nest golf course open to the public? I may be abailable to play a round for a good cause and buy a cap from you.


over 8 years ago
Re: Fort McMurray

I have been away from my computer since the fire broke out and have just gotten back to my home and thought I would reply to this thread.

I have many friends and exco-workers that have been affected in the ft mac fires as I worked for syncrude and lived in the city as a commuter traveling form Slave lake, Ab to ft mac from 2009 - 20013. I understand through first hand experience what they are going through, the May 15th 2011 fire ripped through the town of Slave Lake with the same ferocity as this one has done to Ft Mac. I lost everything I owned as did 800 of my friends and neighbours, Thankfully my wife, I and the kids handled it well and we remained calm and safe throughout the ordeal. Right now the families that have found out that their houses have been destroyed are feeling very lost and confused as to where they will live and how they will get by. In the next couple of weeks they will be speaking with their insurance companies and making some big decisions. Most will overcome this tragedy but some will struggle greatly as it is very overwhelming, unfortunatly some will not have insurance at all. So, It really does help when the hole country rallys behind the victims. Even if it is just words of encouragment.

Dispite all of the negative press this city revieves it is a very vibrant community with a young population and alot of natural rugged beauty, many walking trails as well as outdoor and indoor activities. It will take a good 2 - 4 years to restore what has been destroyed. 5 years later there are still many empty lots in Slave Lake.

For me I have realized that my stuff is just that. Stuff that can be replaced, yes there are sentimental things that I wish I still had but whats done is done. I will however, never complain about my insurance premiums again.

I will continue to help out where I can and wish all of Fort McMurray residence the best of luck. I hope the ones who lost the most can learn to think positive as they can and will overcome this.

over 8 years ago
Re: NEWS: POET Acquiring? Didn't see that coming....

So this may be a simplistic view but would this not indicate that the owners from Denselight consider POET's shares to hold a value today of at least $5.00+.

over 8 years ago
Re: Interesting article on II-VI


I can relate to that 100%. I also appreciate all the knowledge that has been shared on this board over the last 3 years that I have held PTk / OPL.

over 8 years ago
Re: Gold is on up swing

I have owned poet for 3 yrs and follow this board closely however I don't post at all really. One gold company that I have been following is NewGold. They have Mines in BC and south america and are starting up a new mine in rainy river area of Ontario. production begins in 2017. I am watching this one closely. Any comments on Newgold are welcome.

I also enjoy reading most comments and DD on POET by most. Its reassuring.


over 8 years ago
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