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DrFill's Posts

Re: Very Good Day!

Obviously some very good "news" is on the way. Of course all the people buying like crazy between .77 and 1.01 have NO IDEA what that "news" might be. That would be cheating and mining people NEVER cheat.

over 14 years ago
Re: Results

Thanks for the website. I don't do much DD because there's so much dis-information in the penny stock world. Too often insiders hog the good news to themselves until they've loaded up and use bad news to drive the SP down when they want to accumulate.

Looking at the factors you listed it looks good for VIT; good mgmnt, great backing and unbeatable country risk.. and Santa Fe looks open pit. The >200 million shares out doesn't help the SP and Santa Fe's size hasn't been proven yet although a 2nd 300-meter > 2g/T hole has got to be taken seriously.

I only vaguely remember ARU's results but I do recall some holes similar to what SF is coming up with.. and the country risk for ARU was at the other end of the spectrum.

I understand that all considered the market cap for ARU after a year of spectacular results was justifiably higher than VIT's is right now but.. whatever - I don't want to come across as arguing with somebody who obviously DD's in depth and probably knows exactly what VIT's market cap should be.

I'm just p'd off because I was faked out when VIT should have carried through after it finally broke through .70 but was reversed by a bad report on a 2ndary property. Looks like it might pick up now where it left off a few weeks ago.

over 14 years ago
Re: Results

So enlighten me, DD guy.

over 14 years ago
Re: Results

Seems like a pretty spectacular hit. I'm not much of a DD guy but can someone tell me how these results differ from the ones that drove Aurelian to >$40? I know there are many times as many shares out as there were for ARU but even so.. Is there a problem with the maximum potential length/width of VIT's orebody?

And I have to say it, after the last lousy results drove VIT to .56 it's pretty odd that all this steady heavy buying has brought it right back up near its high.

over 14 years ago
So far, so good..

Textbook perfect 50% retracement to 73 after a run from 66 to 79. We need to take out 80 now.

Oops! 82.

almost 15 years ago
and away we go!

Consolidation finished. Never came close to filling the gap.

Please, Gold, don't decide to correct now.

almost 15 years ago
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