DrCaddis's Profile

DrCaddis's Posts

no value on Yahoo Finance

Interesting. Yahoo Finance has ECU.TO as having no value, losing 62 cents today on over 500K volume... During the past two weeks, they have had ECU at 20 and 19 dollars respectively on different days.

about 13 years ago
Re: ECU: With merely 10 trading days before the merger vote cutoff......

Received my voting forms from Raymond James Saturday and voted online via ProxyVote.com on Sunday.

about 13 years ago
Re: Anybody know if Altman and the boyz

As of August 13th, according to Canadian Insider, the table below represents the shares bought and sold by insiders. Much of the red represents expiration of options.

ECU Silver Mining Inc. (ECU)

As of August 13th, 2011

Filing Date
Transaction Date
Insider Name
Ownership Type
Nature of transaction
# or value acquired or disposed of
Unit Price

Jun 22/11
Mar 01/11
Roy, Michel
Direct Ownership
52 - Expiration of options

Jun 22/11
Mar 01/11
Rodrigues, Joaquin
Direct Ownership
52 - Expiration of options

Jun 22/11
Mar 01/11
Chavez, Ramiro
Direct Ownership
52 - Expiration of options

Jun 22/11
Mar 01/11
Acuna, Armando Lujan
Direct Ownership
52 - Expiration of options

Jun 22/11
Mar 01/11
Bélanger, Clifford
Direct Ownership
52 - Expiration of options

Apr 20/11
Apr 20/11
Walker, G. Dwight
Indirect Ownership
Common Shares
10 - Acquisition in the public market

Mar 10/11
Mar 08/11
Thériault, Francine
Direct Ownership
Common Shares
10 - Disposition in the public market

Mar 07/11
Mar 03/11
Thériault, Francine
Direct Ownership
Common Shares
10 - Disposition in the public market

Mar 07/11
Mar 02/11
Thériault, Francine
Direct Ownership
Common Shares
10 - Disposition in the public market

Mar 06/11
Mar 04/11
Chehab, Talal
Direct Ownership
Common Shares
10 - Disposition in the public market

about 13 years ago
Re: Gold in Canadian dollars

I enjoy all of your posts, however, in this case I think you are comparing an apple with a pared apple. One U.S. dollar currently equals 0.9691 Canadian dollars. If you divide the cost of gold in Canadian dollars by that factor, the difference is not "nowhere near" the same, but there is a difference. Those parings on the floor are important. Gold has risen in value against all currencies, worldwide over the last 10 years. That being said, this does not refute your argument, just the emphasis.

over 13 years ago
Re: By Monday


I believe you are referring to the spacecraft Messenger which is now orbiting Mercury, not Mars. Mercury was the "messenger" god and the god of trade. In this time of vacillating silver and gold prices, the term "mercurial" is definitely appropriate.

over 13 years ago
Bid and Ask at $0.74, now $0.64

Not sure what is going on, but the bid and ask hit $0.74 this AM. Does anyone have any information about announcements or goings-on at the AGM? Thanks for any response.

almost 15 years ago
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