Doodlebug's Profile

Doodlebug's Posts

Internet of Things - Industrial

Just caught the tail end of a program discussing the IoT related to industrial equipment. Then sheer number of sensors required to make equipment "smart" was mindboggling. Truly astounding! But I was busy and then the show ended so I couldn't really get a handle on exactly what was said/meant.

I seem to remember something about POET participating in this market. Can someone comment on POET's involvement in the equipment sensor vertical.

over 7 years ago
Page View Format

Hi Agoracom Administrators,

Thanks for all you have done with the new pages. However....can you condense/shorten what pops up when you go to a new message? It's quite inconvenient to have to scroll down to read 1-3 lines of message and then scroll again to get to the "Next Message" button.

Yep, picky I know....but it worked well in the last iteration.

thanks and have a merry christmas and great 2017.


over 7 years ago
Re: 5 new hirees

As has been reiterated many times, everyone wants to voice their opinion. The problem for many is they do not want their opinion criticized or challenged, nor do they accept they could be wrong.

Just because it's your opinion doesn't mean you are right or immune from scrutiny.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Apple Autonomous Cars

Okay, I'll sat it....Dash has made numerous very good contributions to this forum. Other long-timers know this.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Apple Autonomous Cars

Hmmmm, this should be good. Give'r Dash!!

almost 8 years ago
Re: My Theory on New Communication

This kind of cocooning and message control happens when the people asking questions are smarter and more savvy than those who have to answer.

Couple that with the obvious mistakes made by the non-market-savvy mgmt, their complete inability to send out coherent news releases, their poor message and presentation skills when selling/talking about POET, and you have the perfect scenario for the clamp down.

Blaming this shut down in communication on the volume of enquiries is a ruse, and disrespectful in the extreme.

almost 8 years ago
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