DontKillKenny's Profile

DontKillKenny's Posts

Re: Fire Guillen

I am a die-hard Chicago White Sox fan. I am so glad we don't have to deal with this idiocy distracting from winning baseball games anymore. The last 3 years in Chicago, Ozzie was more concerned about promoting BRAND OZZIE than winning baseball games. He should SHUT UP AND PLAY BASEBALL. He was hired to be a baseball manager, not an opionion reporter for the team.

over 12 years ago
My hats off to you Mr. Reyes!

If you are ever in Chicago, I owe you a dinner. You are Chicago-Tough sir!!!!

over 12 years ago
Re: Supplementary Motion materials on E&Y Site

Boy, there sure is alot of redacted material. I would love to see the redacted material under "New Equity Raise". Not sure if it means anything. It just pisses me off with all of the redacted material.

over 12 years ago
Re: Crystallex Executes Commitment Letter for DIP Financing -Link

I don't see any more info on E&Y site or Kry site.

over 12 years ago
Re: Great News People

I see the headline, but, I can't find details anywhere.

over 12 years ago
Re: Chavez seems to be a very sick dinosaur/win-win - Aunt

Basic programmer huh? Totally clear to me!

over 12 years ago
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