Donald jr's Profile

Donald jr's Posts

Re: Voting with my finger.


I think your dead on with your post about big money control!

My bet on the "Big Money" is the Boulay group (SKP), I have a feeling he is pulling the strings at this point. The whole blatant disregard for the small shareholder who supported the company in tough times is DeJeVu for me. Wish I had never sold all my SKP a few years back. LOL.

I urge you all not to sell WEL, we may not be going anywhere in the short term but I think WEL will one day see the value we all think is there. The plan will all fall into place at some point and only those who didn't sell off will benefit.

If anyone needs to be talked off the ledge call me, quite a few of you have my number.

D jr.

over 14 years ago
Re: BNN tomorrow

What time will this be on BNN?


D. jr

over 14 years ago
Re: Quest's B-Zone REE Deposit Confirmed

I am a gold bug, not very familiar with HREE, can you size up the NR for us?

D. jr

over 14 years ago
Re: REE followers

Are we likely to see a halt?

D. jr

over 14 years ago

Thanks for the update MB,

Wayne is a great promoter, not surprising he has made is living for the last 30 yrs pumping stocks.

What happened to the last round of drilling?

It's still unclear to me who the puppet master is? Are we in bed with the devil?

Sounds to me like the game plan has changed.

D. jr

over 14 years ago
Promotional Tour - RGC in Wpg

Tim Mikula and Scott Weekes are tentatively scheduled to be in Wpg the first week of February, anyone interested in attending a presentation on RedStar - Please pm me.


over 14 years ago
Donald jr
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