Dodgers's Profile

Dodgers's Posts

Re: .. BaNos ... Inbetween my chuckling, his kind of post,

Probably December 21, was chosen for this big PR because the end of the world of course for those of us that has owned as long as I have a PR like he mentioned the world must be ending the myans must have owned ptsc!

almost 12 years ago
Re: Chill Out people!

Really! These are the worst BOD in the history of companies. So the deals with TPL are good?

So the money they have squandered away to TPL , buying Companies, and all the other stuff is Good?

So the secret dealings is Good?

So the fact they don't buy shares in our company are good?

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I have been a share holder for so many years over 15 years I can't remember when I bought for $1.25 then sold at $6 then bought again I think at .06 but these last 5 years I have watched one CEO after the next and the BOD only care about bonuses high saleries and doing one blunder after another. The amount of Money we have blown through is worse than the federal government. Chill Out ! really we could have made so much money had we been managed correctly it sickens me. The worse part is that they truely do not care one bit about stock price or share holders and can't even pretend like most CEO's do they are open they don't care.

about 12 years ago
Re: Demonizing

Sorry I didn't mean to vent so strongly. BOD Clearly does not care about us if they did they would have acted on the venting here thats gone on for years, at the share holders meetings, at the performance they have done. They would never do the resignation because its a gold mine for them.they won't even allow elections. however, if they did we could go employ guys from skid row to run the company better than they have. I did make two good moves to get my money out however, thats not my point we all should be in very good position except for the blunders of a few and corruptness of others. they same people who are rich off this company.

over 12 years ago
Re: Demonizing

You got to be kidding me! Our BOD has done everything to push the share holders away they take saleries that are huge, the share holder meetings are held to survive the only time they have to face us. they still seem to be in bed with DL. why don't they show us a change from the past. take a reduction in pay until stock price goes up, bring in a share holder to monitor what takes place, we have great one's here, be more open. If they change their behavior maybe confidence could be restored. Any investor in a penny stock who does not do enough DD to know all that has occured will buy on a whim anyways, I cannot believe this boards comments are going to make a differance. Anyone who has been a share holder as long as I have has to vent here and point out what's gone on because for years we did not and our BOD were out of control on wasting Money and making terrible decisions. At least with an educated Share holder even at the expence of loosing a share holder here and there it keeps a little accountability to our BOD. obviously I hardly ever post here I have been a share holder for around 15 years and every once in a while I go from reading to venting sorry!

over 12 years ago
Re: MMP value

why would the board place it for sale... they have a high paying job. it seems to me their only wish is to make enough money to cover there saleries and perks. so far so good.

almost 13 years ago
Re: HUB Leader- thoughts

The fact That there is six people is amazing to me... the only explenation I can get is there must be some undiscovered connections to the Bod. It does not take a lot to see a company earning so much Money and worth 5 cents. swindeled with people on here for years pointing at the potential, countless CEO's, Bad Investments, Buying bad companies, One mistake after another ...yet bringing in huge salaries. 6 people is hard to believe!

about 13 years ago
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