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Eternal optimists

So what i think


Jakthebear is a daytrader.

Poet likes some sophistacated platinum investor so much that they gave them really good deal that they did not want to offer to us longs because we are not sophisticated or platinum.

They will invest more more in to DenseLight to increase revenue. No Planar opto-electronic technology in DL products. So they are hanging on DL products because we do not have our own.

Singapoore grants and DL aquisition is there because there is potential that something could come out of POET tech. After all Ajit and Co are Big Names.

AOC in 2018. That will calm expactations for a while and give them time.

There is no strategic partner because if there was one those epitaxal wafers would be flying our way and we would not have to wait in line because we are not big customers.

POET is not going to do more financing that will be offered to retail at 25% discount with warrants at 35 cents Canadian.

That would make platinum sophisticated instituions not happy!

So, as a retail shareholder i am very unhappy with latest development and IMO very negative letter to shareholders.

Good luck and stay optimistic. I hope it pays off for you!

Staying in because of 60% loss only. So what is another 40.

I was aware that this is speculative stock and invested only what i was ready to lose. I hope you did too.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Other ways- FJ

To blame retail shareholders is just reverse psychology. Some retail sold for sure because they got scared for a reason and wanted to cut losses but to say it is retail who brought us down is not true!

It is management and if one can not see that... well maybe it is time to take those pink colored glasses off.

To me it sounds more like a state of "denial"

Dont like to talk about trading but i did sell 1/3 of my shares at 63 c Canadian and bought back at 0.335 which increased my share count by 25% so i did not get that burned and would love to believe that all this makes sense towards imcreasing shareholders value but the truth is very different.

almost 8 years ago
It could get worse

If any of management decides to quit after latest development.

I hope it does not happened but i would not be surprised if it does.

almost 8 years ago
Re: Nightmare

This is the best explanation of what just have happened! Bravo Baba and Thank You for making it plain and simple!

almost 8 years ago
Positive NR near future would cause very much mixed feelings. It would be salt on the PO wound but at the same time it would be a relief from such low SP.

Honestly, i am not afraid of any good news soon.

almost 8 years ago
Re: My most optimistic view

Poet is not dead!.....yet

almost 8 years ago
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