Dennis3's Profile

Father of a 4 and 2 year old. Profession in education.

Dennis3's Posts

Re: Justice

Yes I am bitter.

We were taken by DL, CJ, Swartz, and other board members.

This was a hard learning experience. Even, agora had false posters.

about 13 years ago

All we needed were the patents to pass the uspto and we were gold.

So we were told. Great shares on sale again, all the while Swartz unloaded millions upon millions.

The topic of TPL comingling patents was brought up long ago. Gloria was on top of it.

DL was speaking at shareholder meetings.

I once asked why the board never bought but a minute amount of shares.

My theory is because while they sacrificed holding their shares (given to them), others could unload. The benefit, keep up the front and collect hefty salaries.

I have lost $35K, a lot to me. I am sure others more. I have little hope of ever seeing it again. I hope these thieves get their due.

about 13 years ago
New licenses

I know some people are getting excited about the prospects of some new licenses. TPL and Ptsc have had no problem hyping even the worst news, ex.: J3. We are currently getting peanuts for the MMP.

I have never sold one share since averaging about .52 each. Don't insult everyone by saying how my post is hurting share price. Nothing will bring it up until there are settlements with numbers attached. I have heard every argument: Just wait for the Markmen, Just let the USPTO recertify the patents. I have serious concerns for those attacking the nay sayers. If I had only listened way back when, without the critics being bombbarded, I may not have been obliverated.

If anyone thinks any of these new signings are big bucks and still received the standard PR, you are fooling yourselves or trying to fool others.

My opinion.

over 13 years ago
TPL's Competence in the Court Room

Sadly, I think TPL could only handle the likes of Moore and PTSC.

After rereading some of the quotes from Turley and Cook, "Patents on Water" or "Patent litigator's dream," what has TPL accomplished?

Other than beating PTSC for half the MMP Portfolio, and scamming PTSC (paying their bills and enhancing non-MMP patents in TPL's portfolio, what has TPL accomplished in our interest?

The scary thing is that DL is far too smart for our Board.

I was fleeced. The more time that goes by, the more it seems this ship is sinking.


Save the response, "Sounds like you should sell and move on." My answer with that is, "Move on with what. There is barley anything left."

That's the risk you take on a penny stock, but it sucks to be one of the fools.

about 14 years ago
Will it be different from the last NIRC?

What is to stop the same group of companies from putting together another combination of prior arts to request another reexam?

Can't help but being skeptical.

about 14 years ago
Handling PTO.....TPL?

Is Hennemen (sp), one who spoke at the SHM about the re-exam, in charge of arguments with the PTO? Is he a member of TPL or a lawyer from another firm?

If he is with another firm, then it would cancel this hypothetical question: If DL thought CM or PTSC was trying to unload him, why would he try his best at getting a recert?

over 14 years ago
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